Art historians should also explore the new #RoyalSociety digital archive - there are hundreds of diagrams, drawings, watercolours, photographs and paintings, most of which were never published (and the ones that were published, were in B&W even if originals were colour).
For instance, this set of materials about Tenerife includes watercolours and stereoscopic photographs:
#arthistory #victodons #royalsociety
※ The "#Bellman" from the front cover of #HenryHoliday's illustration to #LewisCarroll’s "#TheHuntingOfTheSnark" (1876).
※ #FatherTime from an English School painting (by an unknown artist, ca. 1610) of "Queen Elizabeth I at old age".
+++ +++
#スナーク | #スナーク狩り | #Snark | #Snarkology | #Victodon | #Victodons | #VictorianLit | #VictorianLiterature | #VictorianStudies | #Literature #Litstudies | #EnglishLit | #EnglishLiterature | #BritishLiterature | #BookIllustration
#bellman #HenryHoliday #lewiscarroll #TheHuntingOfTheSnark #fathertime #スナーク #スナーク狩り #snark #Snarkology #Victodon #victodons #VictorianLit #victorianliterature #VictorianStudies #literature #litstudies #EnglishLit #englishliterature #britishliterature #bookillustration
... literaturwissenschaftlich noch
... wissenschaftsgeschichtlich (aber eher selten)
#scihistodons #romantodons #victodons #litodons
Of interest to all #Romantodons, #Litodons, #Victodons, #Bookstodons, and #Comics lovers @academicchatter
#comics #bookstodons #victodons #litodons #romantodons
If you're at a #Scottish #university, believe in #openaccess, and have a monograph nearly finished and not yet under contract, then...
18th January is the deadline for the first call for monographs from the new Scottish Universities Press
Monograph must be nearly completed (i.e. to be delivered later this year). An open call for other monographs will follow in February. See
#histodons #victodons #bookhistodons #histsci
#histsci #bookhistodons #victodons #histodons #openaccesspublishing #openaccess #university #scottish
Some welcome news for those of us interested in 19th-c. feminism and journalism: the British Newspaper Archive has added a digitized run of the Echo, an important halfpenny paper, to its collection. Pioneering feminist Frances Power Cobbe was on the paper's staff (1868-1875) and wrote over 1000 leading articles for it.
The articles were unsigned but many can be attributed to Cobbe and are well worth scholarly attention. Here's a preliminary list:
#Victodons #Victorian
Social media are so much on our minds that I can't resist mentioning one platform renowned for its civility and generosity: VICTORIA, a forum for discussion of any aspect of Britain and its empire in the long (1780-1918) 19th-century
VICTORIA welcomes new members. Made by and for Victorianists, it's a great place to discuss teaching or research or what's new in the field.
The list turns 30 next year & its archive makes for a fun browse. #Victodons #VictorianStudies
Any #histodons or #victodons who're feeling inspired by the #openaccess release yesterday of all the correspondence of Charles #Darwin may also be interested in the Epsilon Project.
It aims to bring together lots of different Victorian correspondences, to be searchable in one place (think #EMLO, but 19thC). So far, it's got scientists' correspondence, but it could expand. (And so far, it's not as nicely designed as the main Darwin Corresp site - but it will improve!)
#emlo #darwin #openaccess #victodons #histodons
Isn't full-text searching such fun?
Historians of science have been reading Darwin's correspondence for years, but have other #histodons used his correspondence to think about travel (maybe), health (probably), novel-reading, the state of the Victorian post office, or the benefits of modest pedestrianism?
There will be so much more to get out of these Victorian corerspondences once they're all fully searchable... (See also )
Apparently, in the 1970s the publisher Heron brought out an edition of OoS with the tag—
"For every real man who has a place in his heart where no women are allowed."
#victodons #hstm #scihistodons #histodons
Now that #GrantAllen's "time is not quite so filled now with hack-work as formerly," he can enjoy using the telescope that "[#Darwin] and the other kind friends" bought for him.
What treasures {or horrors, as the case may sometimes be} might the Darwin Correspondence Project at #CambridgeUL reveal about your #C19 passions?
#histodons #scihistodons #hstm #victodons
#GrantAllen #darwin #cambridgeul #C19 #histodons #scihistodons #hstm #victodons
Now that #GrantAllen's "time is not quite so filled now with hack-work as formerly," he can enjoy using the telescope that "[#Darwin] and the other kind friends" bought for him.
What treasures {or horrors, as the case may sometimes be} might the Darwin Correspondence Project at #CambridgeUL reveal about your #C19 passions?
#histodons #scihistodons #hstm #victodons
#GrantAllen #darwin #cambridgeul #C19 #histodons #scihistodons #hstm #victodons
To celebrate the 163rd anniversary of the publication of Origin of Species today, the Darwin Correspondence Project at #CambridgeUL has published the full edition of #Darwin 's correspondence online! Explore more than 15000 letters, from Darwin's first letter in 1822 to his death in 1882.
Much as I like physical books, it's really exciting to have the collected correspondence now full-text searchable:
#victodons #hstm #scihistodons #histodons #darwin #cambridgeul
A couple of acquaintances of mine brought out this reproduction of the Police Code 1889. It covers what a Victorian constable should do in over 900 instances. If you study the Metropolitan Police or your work intersects with them, it's a wonderful resource. From Mango Books. #victodons
Hi, just arrived from mstdn. I’m a mature #PhD student interested in late #19thCentury popular #Literature and culture. I’m writing a book (due 2024) as well as a thesis, and am an editorial assistant for Victoriographies. In case this isn’t #Victorian enough, I’m restoring a house that was built in 1896. I love walking my dogs, #genealogical research, and trying to solve cryptic crosswords. Am looking to follow #Victodons and #histodons of the #C19th that have also flown the nest recently!
#phd #19thcentury #literature #Victorian #Genealogical #victodons #histodons #C19th
Books encountered by chance - 1st in a series
Period Piece by Gwen Raverat, an artist who happened to be one of Darwin's grandchildren. Her illustrations are one of the many delights of this brillianrly warm, funny account of her childhood in 1890s Cambridge.
One evening in 1985 or so I came upon this tattered copy at a Half-Price Books in Houston, Texas and knew at once that it had to come home with me. We're both even more tattered now, but still together. #Victodons #Books #Darwin
A good week. Article revisions have met the approval of my supervisor, I finally plucked up the courage to send a reply to the Victoria Listserv, and I discovered that my research has amended the date for an item in the BL catalogue. Small steps on the way to gaining more confidence in my work. #Victodons #PhDstudent #VictorianStudies
#victorianstudies #PhDstudent #victodons
Call for Contributors--RSVP Bibliography 2017-2020. This is a great chance to dig into recent scholarship on 19c British periodicals. Also, it's a nice service opportunity to add to your CV. Please share this information with your colleagues and grad students who work in the nineteenth century!
Please email for more info & list of titles needing coverage.
#victodons #victorian #victorians #nineteenthcentury #bookhistory #periodicals #publishing #callforpapers
#victodons #victorian #victorians #nineteenthCentury #bookhistory #periodicals #publishing #callforpapers
Inspired by a PhD student, I'm just rediscovering reference management software after giving up on it quite a few year ago.
I'm playing around with #Zotero because it seems to me that it's more flexible than the others, especially for the kind of archival and bibliographical research I do - and because I'm finding it much easier now!
But is this wise?
What do my fellow #victodons, #histodons and @litstudies colleagues use and why?
I think I have finally figured out what Mastodon reminds me of: the ending of Mansfield Park, in which the wicked but entertaining Crawfords are banished, and we are left with the marriage of Fanny Price and her reliable but dull cousin. #victodons #Mastfieldpark