... la délivrance universelle ; et pour pis-aller les Thermopyles. "
Les misérables. Victor Hugo.
#victorhugo #giletsjaunes #vendredilecture
... la délivrance universelle ; et pour pis-aller les Thermopyles. "
Les misérables. Victor Hugo.
#victorhugo #giletsjaunes #vendredilecture
De Victor Hugo à propos de Bernard Arnaud :
"c'est de l'enfer des pauvres qu'est fait le paradis des riches"
L'homme qui rit, 1869
#bernardarnault #MangeonsLesRiches #victorhugo
„Ein Mensch ist nicht untätig, weil er in Gedanken versunken ist. Es gibt sichtbare Arbeit und es gibt unsichtbare Arbeit."
— Victor Hugo
#zitat #zitate #spruch #sprüche #deutschezitate #zitateaufdeutsch #zitatdestages #spruchdestages #Gefühlskälte #gedanken
#Menschen #Arbeit #fehler #VictorHugo
Deutsche Zitate
#victorhugo #fehler #arbeit #menschen #gedanken #gefuhlskalte #spruchdestages #zitatdestages #zitateaufdeutsch #deutschezitate #spruche #spruch #zitate #zitat
Victor Hugo Quotes
“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”
“The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.”
#poetry #love #life #victorhugo
The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.
"Une insurrection qui éclate, c'est une idée qui passe son examen devant le peuple"
- V. Hugo -
#quotes #citation #insurrection #victorhugo
Today in Labor History July 28, 1794: The authorities guillotined Robespierre, architect of the French Reign of Terror. Prior to the French Revolution, he had advocated for universal suffrage, and abolition of the death penalty and the Atlantic slave trade. There are too many historical novels set during the French Revolution to name them all. However, here are some of the most famous ones. “The Scarlet Pimpernel” (1905) by Baroness Orczy. “A Tale of Two Cities” (1859) by Charles Dickens. “Ninety-Three” (Quatrevingt-treize) by Victor Hugo. It was published in 1874, three years after the bloody upheaval of the Paris Commune.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #Robespierre #French #Revolution #paris #DeathPenalty #slavery #writer #author #fiction #novel #VictorHugo #CharlesDickens @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #Robespierre #french #Revolution #paris #deathpenalty #slavery #writer #author #fiction #novel #victorhugo #charlesdickens
#ClasicosManga #LosMiserables #VictorHugo
Clásicos Manga Norma Editorial - Los Miserables - Crystal Silvermoon y SunNeko Lee
La artista SunNeko Lee es la encargada de plasmar la historia de Victor Hugo, siguiendo el guión adaptado por Crystal Silvermoon, creando un manga interesante y de lectura amena. Una muy buena oportunidad para acercarse a este clásico, o incluso releerlo en este nuevo formato
#clasicosmanga #losmiserables #victorhugo
#ObraLiteraria #LosMiserables #VictorHugo
Los miserables (Ed. Clásicos a medida) - Victor Hugo
Jean Valjean ha cumplido una injusta condena de casi veinte años por robar comida para su familia. Una vez fuera de la prisión, la sociedad pretende apartarle de nuevo, por lo que deberá volver a delinquir. Gracias al encuentro con el obispo Myriel, cambiará de actitud y se redimirá, aunque antes deberá adoptar una nueva identidad.
Intentando hacer el bien entre sus congéneres conocerá a Fantine, una mujer al borde de la muerte que le encargará el cuidado de su hija Cosette. Vivirá desde entonces en una huida constante, pues es perseguido por el policía Javert, buscando lo mejor para una niña inocente e intentando ayudar a todos aquellos que viven sin justicia ni esperanza.
#obraliteraria #losmiserables #victorhugo
We all think that Dusty Rusteze and Victor Hugo from Cars should flirt with each other. #Cars #Pixar #DustyRusteze #RayMagliozzi #VictorHugo #StanleyTownsend
#cars #pixar #dustyrusteze #raymagliozzi #victorhugo #stanleytownsend
Les Batteurs de pavé reviennent en Normandie pour jouer une adaptation des « Misérables » de Victor Hugo.
Ils seront aux Escales et aux Embarqués à Léry-Poses, aux Sorties de bain à Granville et à Jours de fête à Rouen.
#LesBatteursdePavés Agglo Seine-Eure #ArchipelGranville Métropole Rouen Normandie #lesescales #lesembarques #sortiesdebain #JoursdeFete #theatre #artsdelarue #culture #Gratuit #festival #lesmiserables #victorhugo
#EmmanuelMoser #LaurentLecoultre
#lesbatteursdepaves #archipelgranville #lesescales #lesembarques #sortiesdebain #joursdefete #theatre #artsdelarue #culture #gratuit #festival #lesmiserables #victorhugo #emmanuelmoser #laurentlecoultre
Hunchback Signs USC Letter of Intent
#HashtagGames #victorhugo #hunchbackofnotredame #whistleblowonafictionalcharacter
"...Qui produit la richesse en créant la misère,
Qui se sert d'un enfant ainsi que d'un outil !
Progrès dont on demande : « Où va-t-il ? Que veut-il ? »
Qui brise la jeunesse en fleur ! qui donne, en somme,
Une âme à la machine et la retire à l'homme !..."
Extrait du poème Melancholia dans Les contemplations
#victorhugo #robinrenucci #poesie #franceculture #mastolivre
What #VictorHugo wrote in Choses vues about Czar Nicholas's brother, Michel, applies absolutely to #Macron: Il faut, sur peine de deplaire en haut, qu'il soit haï en bas." The codicil, with Macronie, is that they use the hatred en bas as both an honor- it means that they are tough, not softies! - and an excuse for playing the victim: they are so rude en bas that we have to call out the police and take away their tin pans! In one little phrase, Hugo says a lot about politics now, everywhere.
Today in Labor History June 5, 1832: The poor of Paris revolted against the new monarchy, in the wake of crop failures, food shortages and a cholera epidemic, which killed over 100,000 people in France. The poor were especially hard hit by the outbreak. Many believed that the wealthy had poisoned their wells. The Society of the Rights of Man organized an army and raised the red flag, declaring "Liberty or Death." Nearly 100 Republicans died in their attempt to overthrow the government. Over 70 monarchists died defending it. The uprising was the inspiration for Victor Hugo's “Les Miserables,” which depicts the period leading up to the rebellion. Hugo was living in Paris at the time, working on a play. When he heard the gunfire, he ran outside to see what was happening, and quickly got pinned down by gunfire, taking shelter between Republican barricades.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #poverty #uprising #insurrection #rebellion #VictorHugo #epidemic #outbreak #paris #france #novel #fiction #author #writer @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #poverty #uprising #insurrection #rebellion #victorhugo #epidemic #outbreak #paris #france #novel #fiction #author #writer
Meine Urlaubslektüre ist auch abgeschlossen: "Die Elenden" von Victor Hugo. Grundlage für viele Verfilmungen und Musicals, wollte ich das Buch schon so lange lesen und bin positiv überrascht über den angenehmen und saloppen Erzählstil. Die Geschichte über Jean Valjean, den entflohen Galeerensträfling, der sich ein neues Leben aufbaut und eine Ziehtochter aufnimmt, mündet im Juniaufstand von 1832.