Memorial plaque remembering John "Jock" Christie VC at London Euston railway station. I wonder what percentage of passengers going by, spot the plaque.
#memorial #remembrance #vc #victoriacross #ww1 #londoneuston #euston
#memorial #remembrance #vc #victoriacross #ww1 #LondonEuston #euston
Today in 1868, Alexander Roberts Dunn died. He was the first Canadian to command a British Army regiment and the first Canadian to be awarded the Victoria Cross.
He earned the medal in 1857 for his actions at the Battle of Balaclava in 1854.
#War #WarHistory #VictoriaCross #Canada #Canadain #HIstodon #Histodons
#war #WarHistory #victoriacross #canada #canadain #histodon #histodons
#nufc season 1913-14
In the image:
Dan Dunglinson KIA 1918 France
Tommy Goodwill KIA 1/7/1916 (Somme)
Tom Hughes KIA 1/7/1916 (Somme)
Jock Findlay KIA 1916 France
No fewer than 22 players or previous NUFC players lost their lives in #ww1, maybe most notable was Donald Simpson Bell who was ex the only footballer to win the #victoriacross, he had signed for Bradford PA just before the war.
#OTD 16/11/1857 #RememberRCN -PO William Hall earns #VictoriaCross while serving in HMS SHANNON at Relief of Lucknow, India. He is 1st Cdn Sailor, 1st Black Cdn & 1st Nova Scotian to receive the VC. Fourth AOPS to be named HMCS WILLIAM HALL (433). See
#otd #rememberrcn #victoriacross