Nessa · @NessaUndreza
468 followers · 711 posts · Server

These displays are displayed at ground level at a multi-dwelling residential building in South , near the .

Origin is most likely Italian (‘Roma’ a dead giveaway), however I haven’t had luck following a brief research session. Unsure if they’re mythological creatures, legends or gods 🤷🏻‍♂️

However, the following are definitions of the three ‘names’ of each that accompanied each figure.

Any feedback welcomed and appreciated!

; something very striking or remarkable of its kind

; people of a race originally from northern India who typically used to travel from place to place, and now live especially in Europe and North America

; a genus of the family Equidae that comprises the horses, asses, zebras, and related recent and extinct mammals

#melbourne #victorianmarket #mondo #roma #equus #intriguing

Last updated 2 years ago