More #environmentalist #stickers put on my #community #LittleFreeLibrary
#Wsanec #Saanich #Free #books #VictoriaPlacemaking #VictoriaBC #yyj #ReadMoreBooks
#environmentalist #stickers #community #littlefreelibrary #wsanec #saanich #free #books #victoriaplacemaking #victoriabc #yyj #readmorebooks
Added more #books & new #environmentalist #stickers to my #LittleFreeLibrary in #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC 😊📚 - it's the only LFL on Kamloops Ave.
Someone donated Elon Musk book yesterday 🤣
#LFL #Community #VictoriaPlacemaking #placemakers #placemaking #Free #library #Literacy #reading #ReadMoreBooks #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BritishColumbia #Canada #BookLovers #CommunityLFL #CommunityLibrary #FreeBooks
#books #environmentalist #stickers #littlefreelibrary #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #lfl #community #victoriaplacemaking #placemakers #placemaking #free #library #literacy #reading #readmorebooks #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #britishcolumbia #canada #booklovers #communitylfl #communitylibrary #freebooks
Check out the new replacement door on my #LittleFreeLibrary in #Saanich / #VictoriaBC 😊 #ShoutOut to my awesome neighbour, Wayne, for fixing it up for me!
#FreeLibrary #FreeBooks #PromotingLiteracy #FreeReads #yyj #VictoriaPlacemaking #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BookLovers #ReadingIsAJoy #ShareFreeBooks #LFLWorldwide #Community #library #AllFree #ShareTheLoveOfBooks #SharingIsCaring #FreeCommunityLibrary
#littlefreelibrary #saanich #victoriabc #shoutout #freelibrary #freebooks #promotingliteracy #freereads #yyj #victoriaplacemaking #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #booklovers #readingisajoy #sharefreebooks #lflworldwide #community #library #allfree #sharetheloveofbooks #sharingiscaring #freecommunitylibrary
This is my #LittleFreeLibrary in #Saanich on Kamloops Ave. You can find all the local #yyj #VictoriaBC #LFLs on a map. #VictoriaPlacemaking network created a map of all of them. You can get one too - just contact them & they'll set you up. I've had mine running for several months & people live it. Mine is decorated w/#dinosaurs & a #TeenageMutantNinjaTurtle 🥰
#Community #FreeBooks #FreeLibrary #Sharing #FreeToRead #VanIsle #BookLovers #Readers #VancouverIsland #PNW #TakeABookLeaveABook
#littlefreelibrary #saanich #yyj #victoriabc #lfls #victoriaplacemaking #teenagemutantninjaturtle #community #freebooks #freelibrary #sharing #freetoread #vanisle #booklovers #readers #vancouverisland #pnw #takeabookleaveabook