A slice of life in the Coast Guard circa WWII aboard my dad's ship-the USS Mayo. Plus, pop culture of the era along with shipmate Victor Mature. All this and more....
#history #historymakers #wwii #victormature #hollywood #militaryhistory #veterans #memorialday #popculture #nostalgia #vintageads #artsandentertainment #marketingandadvertising #socialimpact #expolitation #coastguard #army #navylife #pacific #40s #family #newsbreak
#history #historymakers #wwii #victormature #hollywood #militaryhistory #veterans #memorialday #popculture #nostalgia #vintageads #artsandentertainment #marketingandadvertising #socialimpact #expolitation #coastguard #army #navylife #pacific #40s #family #newsbreak
81 years ago:
My Gal Sal (US)
Biopic chronicling the early life of gay nineties-era songwriter Paul Dresser as he outgrows his job as carnival entertainer and moves up into New York society, writing one hit song after another. Despite his egotistical behavior, he manages to woo and win Sally Elliott, one of the more popular song...
#MyGalSal #RitaHayworth #VictorMature #PhilSilvers #20thCenturyFox #Film
#mygalsal #ritahayworth #victormature #philsilvers #20thcenturyfox #film
Hannibal (1959), a late Edgar G. Ulmer film. Surprisingly, a lavish costume epic with no less than 12,000 extras in the battle scenes. A good movie but could have been a great one if the studio had allowed Ulmer to make it the way he wanted to.
My review: https://princeplanetmovies.blogspot.com/2015/09/hannibal-1959.html
#classicmovies #classicmovie #1950smovie #cultmovies #cultmovie #VictorMature #Hannibal #EdgarGUlmer
#classicmovies #classicmovie #1950smovie #cultmovies #cultmovie #victormature #hannibal #EdgarGUlmer
83 years ago:
One Million B.C. (US)
One Million B.C. is a 1940 American fantasy film produced by Hal Roach Studios and released by United Artists. It is also known by the titles Cave Man, Man and His Mate, and Tumak. The film stars Victor Mature as protagonist Tumak, a young cave man who strives to unite the uncivilized Rock Tribe and...
#OneMillionBC #HalRoach #VictorMature #LonChaneyJr #MamoClark #SciFi #ClassicMovies
#onemillionbc #halroach #victormature #lonchaneyjr #mamoclark #scifi #classicmovies
68 years ago:
Violent Saturday (US)
Three men case a small town very carefully, with plans to rob the bank on the upcoming Saturday, which turns violent and deadly.
#ViolentSaturday #RichardFleischer #VictorMature #RichardEgan #StephenMcNally #20thCenturyFox #Movies
#violentsaturday #richardfleischer #victormature #richardegan #stephenmcnally #20thcenturyfox #movies
68 years ago:
Violent Saturday (US)
Three men case a small town very carefully, with plans to rob the bank on the upcoming Saturday, which turns violent and deadly.
#ViolentSaturday #RichardFleischer #VictorMature #RichardEgan #StephenMcNally #20thCenturyFox #Film
#violentsaturday #richardfleischer #victormature #richardegan #stephenmcnally #20thcenturyfox #film
Jacques Tourneur’s Timbuktu is an old-fashioned Foreign Legion adventure movie, in fact even a little old-fashioned by the standards of 1958. That’s probably why I liked it so much. As a bonus it stars Victor Mature and Yvonne de Carlo.
Thoroughly enjoyable.
My review: https://dfordoom-movieramblings.blogspot.com/2015/06/timbuktu-1958.html
#classicmovies #classicmovie #goldenagehollywood #1950smovie #adventuremovie #adventuremovies #adventure #JacquesTourneur #VictorMature #YvonnedeCarlo
#classicmovies #classicmovie #goldenagehollywood #1950smovie #adventuremovie #adventuremovies #adventure #jacquestourneur #victormature #yvonnedecarlo
#Filmfest 823 #Cinema #MyDarlingClementine #FaustrechtderPrärie #JohnFord #HenryFonda #VictorMature #LindaDarnell #CathyDowns #Tombstone #OKCorral #WyattEarp #DocHolliday #TheClanton
Faustrecht der Prärie / Tombstone / Mein Liebling Clementine (My Darling Clementine, USA 1946) #Filmfest 823 #DGR
#filmfest #cinema #mydarlingclementine #faustrechtderprarie #johnford #henryfonda #victormature #lindadarnell #cathydowns #tombstone #okcorral #wyattearp #docholliday #theclanton #dgr
RT @Condimentgrrl
I was hoping @VictoriaMature was going to be at #CryOfTheCity last night because WOW #VictorMature and everyone in that film were amazing. Great final show for us at #NoirCity. Thank you again @noirfoundation! #NoirAlley #TCMParty
#cryofthecity #victormature #NoirCity #NoirAlley #TCMParty
Belli anche i protagonisti del remake, ma questi due e gli altri sono 🔥🔥
#cinema #mydarlingclementine #sfidainfernale #henryfonda #victormature #johnford #cinemainbiancoenero #grandecinema
#cinema #mydarlingclementine #sfidainfernale #henryfonda #victormature #johnford #cinemainbiancoenero #grandecinema
#HappyThanksgiving 2022 from #VictorMature and Nicky and Genius II...;-)
#happythanksgiving #victormature
“I’d rather get laughs than sympathy.”
Victor Mature in After the Fox
#afterthefox #desica #vittoriodesica #neilsimon #victormature
#moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday
#afterthefox #desica #vittoriodesica #neilsimon #victormature #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday