T.L. Cain · @TenCraftsmen
67 followers · 248 posts · Server universeodon.com

Now that is over, the kitties are put to bed, yes we own multiple cats, we're finally getting into the spirit with the only one that truly counts, the 1980 classic! And yes, we will be watching 2 - 8 tomorrow. But sorry, all the others are unwatchable. Well, at least to me anyway.

W/ @Mander_Sue3621

(I say he was Jason's daddy)

#smackdown #fridaythe13th #nowwatching #fridaythe13th1980 #mutantfam #seancunningham #victormiller #ronkurz #pamelavorhees #ralph #jasonvorhees #anamericanoriginal

Last updated 2 years ago