Here's some easy listening. Take a walk through the Food Forest!
A new episode of FOOD FOREST WALK is available for your listening, and viewing, pleasure.
See a slideshow of plants as they are mentioned in this guided tour of the permaculture designed Food Forest at Festival Beach in Austin, TX! 🌿
#foodforest #permaculture #victorygardens #growyourfood #podcasting2point0
@CSB I've found that growing sprouts is the easiest way to growing food at home. This is the kit I prefer:
#victorygardens for the win!
Whatever will 🐝, will 🐝
🐝 #BeeResilient 🐝
🐝 #BeeHereNow 🐝
#Antifa #NAFO #Community #Resilience #Resiliency #Ecology #ClimateChange
#Protect #Native #Species
#Bees #Butterflies #Pollinators
#Plant #Local #Native #Wild #Heirloom #Seeds
#Garden #VictoryGardens #Permaculture #Hydroponics #Greenhouse
#beeresilient #beeherenow #antifa #NAFO #community #resilience #resiliency #ecology #ClimateChange #protect #native #species #bees #butterflies #pollinators #plant #local #wild #heirloom #seeds #garden #victorygardens #permaculture #hydroponics #greenhouse #plants #herbs #foraging #freegan #wearejohnmastodon #solarpunk
@tofugolem @ClaraListensprechen @SusanHR @humansriseup @crashglasshouses @Npars01 @thepoliticalcat @1finekitty
Again, you are both right.
#VictoryGardens are not to fight the wealth inequality, but to mitigate human suffering as a result of an almost infinte number of horrible future possibilities.
Plus having people putting their hands in the soil on their land is guranteed to have other benefits.
Whether they are self-sustainable or not.
#Permaculture is something else that could help