RT @dallascowboys
Coach put on the chain. It was off the chain. ⛓️
#victorytuesday #dallascowboys #dalvstb
Thought I'd redo my victory post with the proper uniforms, to honor the end of the "blue jersey" curse, just for #VictoryTuesday! On to #SanFran and the #Niners next week, and we'll see how that comes out!
#DallasCowboys #Cowboys #CowboysNation #AmericasTeam #HowBoutThemCowboys #SuperBowlOrBust #WildCard #NFL #NFLPlayoffs #DALvsTB #MNF #ByeByeBrady
#victorytuesday #sanfran #niners #dallascowboys #Cowboys #CowboysNation #americasteam #howboutthemcowboys #superbowlorbust #wildcard #nfl #nflplayoffs #dalvstb #mnf #byebyebrady
Wow. The #DallasCowboys scored all 7 offensive touchdowns against the Colts out of 11 personnel (1 RB, 1 TE, 3 WR). Quite a contrast from the Giants game on Thanksgiving.
So I'd say no, we don't need OBJ. It'll be nice to get James Washington back, though. And Tyron Smith.
#VictoryTuesday #INDvsDAL #HowBoutThemCowboys
And here's a reminder of the score. 😁
#dallascowboys #victorytuesday #indvsdal #howboutthemcowboys
#VictoryTuesday since @SanFransisco49ers won yesterday , MNF in Mexico City