Dan Sandin: Analog Image Processor, 1971-1973. Video synthesizer. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter IV.1.2 Video Synthesizers. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/GCA-IV.1e.html #dansandin #videosynthesizer #videoart #videoartist #videosynthesizers #seventiesart #seventiesartist #seventiesartists #seventiesartwork #experimentalart #videoartwork #videoartists #AnalogComputer #analogcomputers #analogcomputerart #computerart #computerartwork
#computerartworks #computerartist
#computerartist #computerartworks #computerartwork #computerart #analogcomputerart #analogComputers #analogcomputer #videoartists #videoartwork #experimentalart #seventiesartwork #seventiesartists #seventiesartist #seventiesart #videosynthesizers #videoartist #videoart #videosynthesizer #dansandin
Dire Straits: Money for Nothing, 1985. Music video by Steve Barron. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter IV. Music Videos. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/GCA-IV.2e.html #direstraits #stevebarron #markknopfler #moneyfornothing #thomasdreher #musicvideos #computeranimation #musicclips #musicclip #musicvideo #videoart #videoartist #videoartists #videoanimation #videoanimations #filmanimation #filmanimations
#filmanimations #filmanimation #videoanimations #videoanimation #videoartists #videoartist #videoart #musicvideo #musicclip #musicclips #computeranimation #musicvideos #thomasdreher #moneyfornothing #markknopfler #stevebarron #DireStraits
Dire Straits: Money for Nothing, 1985. Music video by Steve Barron. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter IV. Music Videos. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/GCA-IV.2e.html #direstraits #stevebarron #markknopfler #moneyfornothing #thomasdreher #musicvideos #computeranimation #musicclips #musicclip #musicvideo #videoart #videoartist #videoartists #videoanimation #videoanimations #filmanimation #filmanimations
#filmanimations #filmanimation #videoanimations #videoanimation #videoartists #videoartist #videoart #musicvideo #musicclip #musicclips #computeranimation #musicvideos #thomasdreher #moneyfornothing #markknopfler #stevebarron #DireStraits
Peter Weibel: lmaginärer Würfel (Kalter Kubus)/lmaginary Cube (Cold Cube), 1980. Video closed-circuit installation with two cameras and mixer. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Peter Weibel. Polykontexturalität in reaktiver Medienkunst. In: Schuler, Romana (ed.): Peter Weibel, Peter. Bildwelten 1982-1996. Vienna 1997, p.36-39. Internet: https://dreher.netzliteratur.net/4_Medienkunst_Weibel.pdf #PeterWeibel #thomasdreher #videoclosedcircuit #videoinstallation #closedcircuit #videoart #videoartist #installationart
#installationart #videoartist #videoart #closedcircuit #Videoinstallation #videoclosedcircuit #thomasdreher #peterweibel
Peter Weibel: lmaginärer Würfel (Kalter Kubus)/lmaginary Cube (Cold Cube), 1980. Video closed-circuit installation with two cameras and mixer. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Peter Weibel. Polykontexturalität in reaktiver Medienkunst. In: Schuler, Romana (ed.): Peter Weibel, Peter. Bildwelten 1982-1996. Vienna 1997, p.36-39. Internet: https://dreher.netzliteratur.net/4_Medienkunst_Weibel.pdf #PeterWeibel #thomasdreher #videoclosedcircuit #videoinstallation #closedcircuit #videoart #videoartist #installationart
#installationart #videoartist #videoart #closedcircuit #Videoinstallation #videoclosedcircuit #thomasdreher #peterweibel
Woody Vasulka: C-Trend, video, 1974. More Informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter IV.1.2. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/GCA-IV.1e.html #woodyvasulka #vasulkas #thevasulkas #thomasdreher #videoart #videoartist #videoartists #videosythesizer #videosynthesizers #ruttetra #ruttetrasynthesizer #ruttetrasynthesizers #videoworks #videoartwork #videoartworks
#videoartworks #videoartwork #videoworks #ruttetrasynthesizers #ruttetrasynthesizer #ruttetra #videosynthesizers #videosythesizer #videoartists #videoartist #videoart #thomasdreher #thevasulkas #vasulkas #woodyvasulka
Beck, Stephen/Jepson, Warner: Illuminated Music 2 & 3, video documentation of a PBS broadcast (Public Broadcasting Service), 1973. Left: Beck´s visualisation of Jepson´s music. Right: Beck at the Direct Video Synthesizer. More informations: Dreher, Thomas: History of Computer Art, chapter IV.1.2. Internet: http://iasl.uni-muenchen.de/links/GCA-IV.1e.html #stephenbeck #warnerjepson #videosynthesizer #videosynthesizers #artoftheseventies #seventiesart #seventiesartwork #videoart #videoartist #videoartists
#videoartists #videoartist #videoart #seventiesartwork #seventiesart #artoftheseventies #videosynthesizers #videosynthesizer #warnerjepson #stephenbeck
@liveperformersmeeting ab heute - 4 tage AV-Kunst & Workshops im Bennohaus beim LPM 2023 Münster, große Vorfreude! 😃💥💥
The international AV artist gathering LPM will take place in Germany for the first time, from 13th to 16th april at @yolk.ms and @bennohaus_ms in @stadt_muenster - the city of peace!
#münster #videoartist #stickerdesign #printdesign #liveperformersmeeting #vj #videomapping #avperformance #circuitbending #glitchart
#munster #videoartist #stickerdesign #printdesign #liveperformersmeeting #vj #videomapping #AVperformance #circuitbending #glitchart
You haven't lived as a #videoartist unless you've used a wobbulator #videoart
This work is old but I still love and laugh at the work of Leslie Hall - such great weirdness. https://www.youtube.com/@lesliehalls
#lesliehall #weird #videoartist
#LeslieHall #weird #videoartist