@KalleWirsch neben #Nextcloud / @nextcloud mit @CollaboraOffice / #CollaboraOffice gibt's noch #OpenXchange...
Ansonsten einfach mal @CCC & co. fragen was die nutzen...
Ansonsten für #Chat nutz' ich #Zulip ( https://zulip.com ) und für #Videocalls #JitsiMeet (gibt unter https://meet.golem.de ne gute instanz) sowie für #Voicechat #Mumble. Letzte beide kann mensch per #SIP auch an #VoIP- und damit #Telefonanlagen / #PBX sowie das Telefonnetz verbinden...
#PBX #telefonanlagen #collaboraoffice #voip #sip #mumble #voicechat #JitsiMeet #videocalls #zulip #Chat #openxchange #NextCloud
#X is the perfect platform for people to stay connected! Elon Musk's announcement is great news for everyone, and I'm sure users of X can't wait to make calls without the need for a phone number! #SocialNetwork #VideoCalls #AudioCalls #GlobalAddressBook #StayConnected http://www.techmeme.com/230831/p11#a230831p11
#x #socialnetwork #videocalls #audiocalls #globaladdressbook #stayconnected
Hey Mastodon...
Best Zoom alternative?
My boss isn't happy about their new terms, including stuff with using all meetings to feed AI.
Give me info!
#Zoom #OpenQuestion #INeedFeedback #Alternatives #OnlineMeetings #VIdeoCalls
#zoom #openquestion #ineedfeedback #alternatives #onlinemeetings #videocalls
In a recent #zoommeeting and I realized there are some ways in which #videocalls actually foster BETTER communication than #inperson meetings: For example, it is MUCH easier to #collaborate on a shared document when everyone on the call has their own desktop. #IRL one person shares on a projector, only people close can see clearly, you only see part of the document, etc. In light of handwringing about #wfh harming communication it's good to note there are some upsides. Do you see any others?
#zoommeeting #videocalls #inperson #collaborate #irl #wfh
Design Milk : Google’s Holographic Project Starline Adds a New Dimension to Working From Home https://design-milk.com/googles-holographic-project-starline-adds-a-new-dimension-to-working-from-home/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=googles-holographic-project-starline-adds-a-new-dimension-to-working-from-home #teleconferencing #workfromhome #Technology #homeoffice #videocalls #hologram #Google #Main #WFH #AI
#teleconferencing #workfromhome #technology #homeoffice #videocalls #hologram #google #main #wfh #ai
Upgrade your video calls with the excellent Logitech StreamCam (🎥) and its superb software options. #LogitechStreamCam #WebCam #VideoCalls 💻 What's your favorite webcam? 🤔
#logitechstreamcam #webcam #videocalls
Scientists Taught Pet Parrots to Video Call Each Other—and the Birds Loved It
Zero trust for Zoom calls: ChromeOS getting universal microphone/camera toggles - Enlarge / Rather than app-by-app permissions that are set once, ChromeO... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1934169 #chromebooks #webmeetings #microphone #videocalls #chromeos #security #privacy #camera #tech #zoom
#zoom #tech #camera #privacy #security #chromeos #videocalls #microphone #webmeetings #chromebooks
Ars Technica: Zero trust for Zoom calls: ChromeOS getting universal microphone/camera toggles https://arstechnica.com/?p=1934169 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #chromebooks #webmeetings #microphone #Videocalls #ChromeOS #security #privacy #camera #Tech #zoom
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #chromebooks #webmeetings #microphone #videocalls #chromeos #security #privacy #Camera #zoom
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-04-wifi-isnt-video-callsour-bodies.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-04-wifi-isnt-video-callsour-bodies.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1643627236568756230#m
Research finds WiFi isn't the only thing connecting us during #videocalls—our bodies are as well @unileidennews https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rstb.2021.0484 https://phys.org/news/2023-04-wifi-isnt-video-callsour-bodies.html
The new trend in video calls seems to be intentionally keeping your camera turned off. The higher up the ladder you are, the more common it is. I find this to be baffling. As a consultant, part of my role is to build relationships between different teams to get the job done. This just makes things more difficult. It signals that you are not going to be fully present for the discussion.
#Zoom #VideoCalls #GoogleMeet
Interesting #fortune article on how the return to the office may be the reason for decreased #productivity... You can't necessarily blame #quietQuitting when we all know that all that all the #waterCooler #distractions are worse at the office. #wfh makes a lot more sense, especially when people are #commuting in to the office just to spend over 4 hours on #videoCalls https://fortune.com/2023/02/16/return-office-real-reason-slump-productivity-data-careers-gleb-tsipursky/
#videocalls #commuting #wfh #distractions #watercooler #QuietQuitting #productivity #fortune
Interesting #fortune article on how the return to the office may be the reason for decreased #productivity... You can't necessarily blame #quietQuitting when we all know that all that all the #waterCooler #distractions are worse at the office. #wfh makes a lot more sense, especially when people are #commuting in to the office just to spend over 4 hours on #videoCalls https://fortune.com/2023/02/16/return-office-real-reason-slump-productivity-data-careers-gleb-tsipursky/
#videocalls #commuting #wfh #distractions #watercooler #QuietQuitting #productivity #fortune
Years into the #pandemic, white-collar #workers are still suffering from back-to-back #VideoCalls. Experts provide tips on how to rethink #meetings. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/01/25/video-calls-meeting-fatigue/?utm_source=feedly&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=wp_homepage #MeetingFatigue #RemoteWork #WorkCollaboration
#pandemic #workers #videocalls #meetings #meetingfatigue #remotework #workcollaboration
Zoom #Fatigue wurde in der Pandemie schnell zum Begriff. Einige haben inzwischen gar keine Lust mehr auf #Videocalls oder Online-Meetings, weil diese anstrengender sind, als direkt miteinander zu sprechen. Neurowissenschaftler Henning Beck erklärt die Gründ
If they can just create a tech for in-person meetings so that I can look interested during a 5-hour #Japanese meeting, that’d be great.
#japanese #nvidia #eyecontact #ai #videotech #videocalls #meetings
There's nothing like a meeting to make me feel like a freak who never learned how to have a conversation with others of my species. Am I talking too much? Did I just talk over somebody else? Now the group's gone quiet, why does nobody else speak? I want to speak again but am I silencing the quiet members? But how long do we have to sit silently before they speak up? ARRRG the suspense is killing me! 🤣 And video calls just make it worse for me.
Webcam buying guide: The Ars picks, from affordable to extravagant - Enlarge (credit: Anete Lusina)
Webcams are having a moment. Wi... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1902777 #creativelive!camsync1080pv2 #ankerworkb600videobar #ankerpowerconfc300 #mevostart3-pack #elgatofacecam #arsshopping #buyingguide #guidemaster #nexigon930e #videocalls #streaming #features #webcams #tech
#tech #webcams #features #streaming #videocalls #nexigon930e #guidemaster #buyingguide #arsshopping #elgatofacecam #mevostart3 #ankerpowerconfc300 #ankerworkb600videobar #creativelive
Find ich irgendwie nice.
Was denkt ihr darüber?
Brilliant idea!
#webcam #face #focus #decoration #facilitation #VideoCalls #VideoConferencing
#videoconferencing #videocalls #facilitation #decoration #focus #face #webcam