Global News BC: Fortnite ‘as addictive as possible’ to kids, B.C. parent claims in proposed class-action #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #class-actionlawsuit #proposedclassaction #videogameaddiction #BritishColumbia #Fortnitelawsuit #classaction #onlinegame #VideoGames #Lifestyle #Fortnite #Justice #Legal
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #Class #proposedclassaction #videogameaddiction #fortnitelawsuit #classaction #onlinegame #videogames #lifestyle #fortnite #justice #legal
Can you be addicted to porn?
#porn #addiction #sex #sexaddiction #videogameaddiction #psychology
#psychology #videogameaddiction #sexaddiction #sex #addiction #porn
#videogameaddiction #professionalburnout recognised #officialillnesses voted by #worldhealthorganisation2019
#videogameaddiction #professionalburnout #officialillnesses #worldhealthorganisation2019
#videogameaddiction #professionalburnout recognised #officialillnesses voted by #worldhealthorganisation2019
#videogameaddiction #professionalburnout #officialillnesses #worldhealthorganisation2019
I stopped playing video & computer games around 15 years of age, I think #VideoGameAddiction is a big issue. Had more to do with not having a console or good PC than anything else.
I know too many people who have wasted so much of their time smoking a bong and playng Xbox all day.
I'm not anti-videogames, I just think many people get too drawn into them.
I remain cautious of them. I never bought a console because I knew I would be drawn into it. Same reason I never made a facebook account.