Upgraded Graphics Gremlin Adds HDMI Video to Vintage PCs - Although new VGA-equipped monitors can still be bought, the old standard is defini... - https://hackaday.com/2023/09/10/upgraded-graphics-gremlin-adds-hdmi-video-to-vintage-pcs/ #retrocomputing #videohacks #videocard #hdmi #isa #vga
#vga #isa #hdmi #videocard #videohacks #retrocomputing
New Motherboard Improves Old CRT Television - While browsing AliExpress from his digital basement, [Adrian Black] stumbled upon ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/16/new-motherboard-improves-old-crt-television/ #multistandard #repairhacks #videohacks #television #mainboard #secam #ntsc #crt #pal
#pal #crt #ntsc #secam #mainboard #television #videohacks #repairhacks #multistandard
Enhance VR Immersion by Shoehorning an Ambilight into a Headset - Everyone wants a wider field of view in their VR headsets, but that’s not an easy ... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/09/enhance-vr-immersion-by-shoehorning-an-ambilight-into-a-headset/ #virtualreality #videohacks #valveindex #ambilight #ledhacks #headset #video #fov #hmd #rgb #vr
#vr #rgb #hmd #fov #video #headset #ledhacks #ambilight #valveindex #videohacks #virtualreality
Hacking the Commodore 128 to Capture Almost Real-Time Video - Although watching and editing videos may be among the primary tasks of many PCs to... - https://hackaday.com/2023/07/03/hacking-the-commodore-128-to-capture-almost-real-time-video/ #retrocomputing #commodore128 #videocapture #videohacks #vic-ii #vdc
#vdc #vic #videohacks #videocapture #commodore128 #retrocomputing
Mangle Videos with RecurBOY and a Raspberry Pi Zero - You used to need a lot of equipment to be a video DJ. Now you can do it all with a... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/28/mangle-videos-with-recurboy-and-a-raspberry-pi-zero/ #raspberrypi #synthesizer #videohacks #video
#video #videohacks #synthesizer #raspberrypi
NVIDIA Jetson Powers Real-Time Iron Man HUD - If you could recreate any of the capabilities of Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit in rea... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/04/nvidia-jetson-powers-real-time-iron-man-hud/ #augmentedreality #wearablehacks #ironmanhelmet #nvidiajetson #videohacks #heads-up #ironman
#ironman #heads #videohacks #nvidiajetson #ironmanhelmet #wearablehacks #augmentedreality
Very Slow Movie Player Avoids E-Ink Ghosting With Machine Learning - [mat kelcey] was so impressed and inspired by the concept of a very slow movie pla... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/25/very-slow-movie-player-avoids-e-ink-ghosting-with-machine-learning/ #veryslowmovieplayer #machinelearning #softwarehacks #videohacks #alien #e-ink #gan
#gan #e #alien #videohacks #softwarehacks #machinelearning #veryslowmovieplayer
VHS Robot Swaps Tapes, as Seen in Hackers - Tape robots are typically used in places that store vast amounts of data – think f... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/23/vhs-robot-swaps-tapes-as-seen-in-hackers/ #robotshacks #videohacks #archiving #taperobot #videotape #vcr #vhs
#vhs #vcr #videotape #taperobot #archiving #videohacks #robotshacks
Blender and openEMS Teamed Up Make Stunning Simulations - There’s tons of theory out there to explain the behavior of electronic circuits an... - https://hackaday.com/2023/04/01/blender-and-openems-teamed-up-make-stunning-simulations/ #electromagneticwave #videohacks #simulation #science #wave
#wave #science #simulation #videohacks #electromagneticwave
Could 1080p Video Output From The RP2040 Be Possible? - Modern microcontrollers often have specs comparable with or exceeding early gaming... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/31/could-1080p-video-output-from-the-rp2040-be-possible/ #microcontrollers #videohacks #rp2040 #1080p #hdmi
#hdmi #1080p #rp2040 #videohacks #microcontrollers
EPROM Does VGA - If you wanted to create a VGA card, you might think about using an FPGA. But there... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/29/eprom-does-vga/ #retrocomputing #videohacks #eprom #vga
#vga #eprom #videohacks #retrocomputing
Creating GIFs For The Channels Between Channels - In the United States, analog TV broadcasting officially ended in 2009. While the t... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/17/creating-gifs-for-the-channels-between-channels/ #compositevideo #classichacks #videohacks #analogtv #esp32
#esp32 #analogtv #videohacks #classichacks #compositevideo
Norm Abram is Back, and Thanks to AI, Now in HD - We’ve said many times that while woodworking is a bit outside our wheelhouse, we h... - https://hackaday.com/2023/03/02/norm-abram-is-back-and-thanks-to-ai-now-in-hd/ #artificialintelligence #woodworking #videohacks #aiupscale #normabram #enhanced #pbs
#pbs #enhanced #normabram #aiupscale #videohacks #woodworking #artificialintelligence
How To Roll Your Own Custom Object Detection Neural Network - Real-time object detection, which uses neural networks and deep learning to rapidl... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/13/how-to-roll-your-own-custom-object-detection-neural-network/ #artificialintelligence #digitalcamerashacks #tensorflowlite #neuralnetwork #charmedlabs #raspberrypi #videohacks #how-to #custom #colab #vizy #cnn #ai
#ai #cnn #vizy #colab #custom #how #videohacks #raspberrypi #charmedlabs #neuralnetwork #tensorflowlite #digitalcamerashacks #artificialintelligence
RCA’s Clear Plastic TV Wowed Crowds In 1939 - In the United States in 1939, television sets still had a long way to go before th... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/12/rcas-clear-plastic-tv-wowed-crowds-in-1939/ #retrotechtacluar #retrocomputing #videohacks #television #acrylic #vintage #pmma #rca
#rca #pmma #vintage #acrylic #television #videohacks #retrocomputing #retrotechtacluar
Arduino Does SDI Video with FPGA Help - If you are running video around your home theater, you probably use HDMI. If you a... - https://hackaday.com/2023/02/06/arduino-does-sdi-video-with-fpga-help/ #serialdigitalinterface #arduinomkrvidor4000 #arduinohacks #videohacks #arduino #fpga #sdi
#sdi #fpga #arduino #videohacks #arduinohacks #arduinomkrvidor4000 #serialdigitalinterface
Generating PAL Video With A Heavily Overclocked Pi Pico - Barely a week goes by without another hack blessing the RP2040 with a further inte... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/24/generating-pal-video-with-a-heavily-overclocked-pi-pico/ #raspberrypipico #videohacks #rp2040 #video #dma #pal #pio
#pio #pal #dma #video #rp2040 #videohacks #raspberrypipico
35mm Film Restoration Process Explained - For a large part of the 20th century, motion pictures were distributed on nitrate ... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/19/35mm-film-restoration-process-explained/ #restoration #videohacks #stopmotion #animation #35mmfilm #film #art
#art #film #35mmfilm #animation #stopmotion #videohacks #restoration
What’s Inside a Super-Cheap Projector? Not a Lot! - [Raymond Ma] has a penchant for browsing Aliexpress and purchasing curious pieces ... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/18/whats-inside-a-super-cheap-projector-not-a-lot/ #videohacks #projector #teardown #optics #cheap #lcd
#lcd #cheap #optics #teardown #projector #videohacks
Printed Film Camera Gets 10 Seconds out of a 35mm Roll - When the British budget electronics brand Amstrad released their first budget VHS ... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/17/printed-film-camera-gets-10-seconds-out-of-a-35mm-roll/ #moviecamera #videohacks #35mmfilm #camera
#camera #35mmfilm #videohacks #moviecamera