Samstag, 5.8. 19:00 Uhr Münster, Ausstellungseröffnung!
Ort ohne Heimweh
Zeitbogen-Galerie / Oxford Kaserne Münster
Roxeler Str. 340
Audiovisuelle Installation von
Thomas Gerhards, Werner Rückemann, Anja Kreysing.
(Fotobeispiel hier von 2022 / Inszenierung der Räume)
#art #vernissage #kunst #ausstellungseröffnung #installation #video #soundart #soundinstallation #videoinstallation #kaserne #barracks #Oxford #münster #wehrmacht #ww2 #kalterkrieg #coldwar
#art #vernissage #kunst #ausstellungseroffnung #installation #video #soundart #soundinstallation #videoinstallation #kaserne #barracks #Oxford #munster #wehrmacht #ww2 #KalterKrieg #coldwar
#RyojiIkeda: Transfinite
#noise #electro #videoinstallation #visual #ryojiikeda #blackandwhite #fridaydisco
#RyojiIkeda: Transfinite
#noise #electro #videoinstallation #visual #ryojiikeda #blackandwhite #fridaydisco
Rainer Kohlberger answering the Sun. Noch bis 1.2.23 im Saasfeepavillion.
#frankfurt #art #videoinstallation
#frankfurt #art #videoinstallation
Weilheim Ev. Apostelkirche 500 - Kirche im Licht/ Church in the light (signed + Frame)
Fine Art Print
#Weilheim #apostelkirche #martinluther #reformation #500 #origami #philippgeist #videogeist #videoinstallation #projectionmapping #lightart #lichtkunst
#Weilheim #Apostelkirche #MartinLuther #reformation #origami #philippgeist #videogeist #videoinstallation #projectionmapping #lightart #lichtkunst
Throwback to last Summer, the opening of NGMI, my solo show at Collectie De Groen in Arnhem (The Netherlands).
vertical HD (1080x1920px / 9:16), colour/audio, 12’00”, 02022
“Who would’ve thought the end of the world
would look like mowed lawns,
a holiday to Greece,
or a new pair of jeans?”
Read more about the main film (and watch some fragments) here:
#ngmi #videoart #videoinstallation #digitalart #arnhem #collectiedegroen #artopening
#ngmi #videoart #videoinstallation #digitalart #arnhem #collectiedegroen #artopening
#nowplaying #np #videoinstallation
Marzieh Emadi & Sina Saadat - Ropewalker
#nowplaying #np #videoinstallation
oh yes!
#VideoArt #VideoInstallation
history of #AudioVisualArt
#AudioVisual #Art
#art #audiovisual #audiovisualart #videoinstallation #videoart #NamJunePaik
'People I wouldn't have known' is an installation in posthumous collaboration with Tim Wainwright. Part of Life Eternal, curated by the Nobel Prize Museum in Stockholm until 29 Jan 2023. It uses still and moving images + sound from our work with patients at organ transplant centres in the UK. Also work by Mark Dion, Sam Taylor-Johnson, Andrea Galvani, et al.
#art #art+medicine #installationart #videoinstallation #transplant #organtransplant #nobel #LifeEternal #soundart
#art #installationart #videoinstallation #transplant #organtransplant #nobel #lifeeternal #soundart
great works! in a very cool exhibition!👌🏻 <the thing is – analog-digital entanglements counteracting an ongoing crisis culture>
part II opening @pankegallery 💫
#videoinstallation #exhibition
The multi screen video installation Coffee Lake is up at bonamatic untill Sep 28th #machineontology #workinprogress #coffeemachinestudies #MachinesSansNom #coffeemachines #coffee #art #videoinstallation #glitch…
#glitch #videoinstallation #art #coffee #coffeemachines #machinessansnom #coffeemachinestudies #workinprogress #machineontology
Please look at the screen #Bonamatic #machineontology #workinprogress #coffeemachinestudies #MachinesSansNom #coffeemachines #coffee #art #videoinstallation #glitch #unstablemachines @ Bonamatic
#unstablemachines #glitch #videoinstallation #art #coffee #coffeemachines #machinessansnom #coffeemachinestudies #workinprogress #machineontology #bonamatic