VLC 3.0.18 packages for Slackware 15.0 and -current
I have uploaded fresh packages for VLC 3.0.18, targeting Slackware 15.0 and -current.
I realized that it was already nine months ago that I did the last refresh of this mediaplayer package. The prior update also took a long time, 11 months to be precise. There's not much exciting news about VLC 3.x to
#software #av1 #ffmpeg #media #videolan #vlc
Vaya, también afectó la actualización de algo a mi vlc
#Video / #VideoLan « An interview with Jean-Baptiste Kempf : #VLC will always be free and maintained by users » 🎞 https://livevideostack.cn/news/an-interview-with-jean-baptiste-kempf-vlc-will-always-be-free-and-maintained-by-users/
Sono passati secoli dall'ultima volta che mi sono occupato di questa roba, ma ricordo che all'epoca ero riuscito a mettere su qualcosa con #VideoLAN, e siccome la sintassi del transcoding e remuxing di #vlc fa paura, me l'ero prima impostato sulla GUI, che forniva anche la riga da comando da usare per ottenere lo stesso effetto.
VideoLAN threatens to sue India gov’t as ISPs keep blocking VLC website - Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | SOPA Images)
VideoLAN is threa... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1886817 #videolan #policy #vlc
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#Interview de Jean-Baptiste #Kempf (VLC-Videolan) - Bonus de "#Internet ou la #révolution du #partage"
Jean-Baptiste Kempf, de #videoLAN, nous explique pourquoi le fameux #lecteur #VLC est exemplaire en matière de logiciel libre.
@infothema 🔗 https://framapiaf.org/users/infothema/statuses/109105629498330156
Interview de Jean-Baptiste Kempf (VLC-Videolan) - Bonus de "Internet ou la révolution du partage"
#infothema #vlc #lecteur #videolan #partage #révolution #internet #kempf #interview
Infra news : This night (2022/08/30) we moved #GIMP download infra to #Mirrorbits by #Videolan. So far, it's nice : geoIP redirects, mirror health and security checks …
We are temporarily a dozen mirror short as we are requesting updates to mirrors for the new system.
Wer nennt den VLC Media Player ernsthaft "#Videolan"?
Und warum wusste ich nicht sicher, dass mit Videolan VLC gemeint ist? Ich habe es nur vermutet.
So langsam glaube ich doch, dass ich alt werde. Auch, wenn mir da niemand jemals zustimmen würde.
Freier #AV1-Decoder #Dav1d erreicht Version 1.0
Dank #Dav1d laufen AV1-Inhalte auf #Android-#Smartphones, der #PS4 oder in Ciscos Webex. Die wichtigsten Funktionen hat das Team nun umgesetzt. ...
#videolan #av1 #dav1d #android #smartphones #ps4
RT @Calimaq@twitter.com
Combien de #VideoLAN auraient pu naître si ce type de démarche aient systématisée dans l'enseignement supérieur et la recherche ? Il en question ici => https://twitter.com/Inno_3/status/1354474129471270914?s=20 https://twitter.com/framaka/status/1356532625121423363
VLC : Le Start-upper Qui Ne Voulait Pas Être Riche
#VLC #VideoLAN #LogicielLibre #OpenSource #FLOSS #Politique #FrenchTech
#vlc #videolan #logiciellibre #opensource #floss #politique #frenchtech