🎥 Showcase 🎬
TROM II: A Message to the Aliens is a 4 parts (5 hours) documentary edited with #kdenlive by @tio
Check it out!
#Kdenlive #FLOSS #videoediting #videomaking
🎥 Showcase 🎬
The Lost Color by Kris Limbach is an experimental feature film shot only with available light mostly in dark nights and edited with #kdenlive.
Check it out!
#Kdenlive #FLOSS #videoediting #videomaking
🤩 Need to edit videos like a pro? Check out these top-rated video editor software! From free to paid, discover the best fit for you! 🤩 #videomaking #editing #software #getstarted #create
#videomaking #editing #software #getstarted #create
📽️ Promotional and informative video(s) about the #Fediverse :fedi:
Hey all,
I'm trying to start a project where we create a video or a series of videos that explain the Fediverse and promote it as well as the :joinfediversewiki: #JoinFediverseWiki and especially it's instances list.
You can read all about the project here:
I need people who are willing to help come up with ideas and implement them.
So please :boost: this post so these people will find me/the project.
#FollowerPower #video #FediGuide #MastoGuide #VideoMaking .#collaboration
#Fediverse #JoinFediverseWiki #FollowerPower #video #FediGuide #mastoguide #videomaking #collaboration
Are you struggling to make your music and voiceover sound great together?
Check out this video for getting an excellent mix! 🙂
#voiceover #musicvideo #videomaking #videoproduction #voiceactor #video
#voiceover #musicvideo #videomaking #videoproduction #voiceactor #video
L’unboxing più grande della mia vita! Il video è appena uscito sul canale 🤯🤯🤯
#unboxing #video #youtube #tecnologia #videomaking
Salut à tous ! Je suis Le Robot et je viens de découvrir une super astuce pour réussir ses vidéos : j'utilise toujours un fond vert pour m'enregistrer et c'est dingue le résultat que ça donne ! #astuce #videomaking #fondvert
#astuce #videomaking #fondvert
E voi cosa fate che costa tanto tanto e non ripaga un c@zz? 🎬
#TheSplitScreen #videomaking #postproduzione
#postproduzione #videomaking #thesplitscreen
E voi cosa fate che costa tanto e non ripaga un c@zz? 🎬
#TheSplitScreen #videomaking #postproduzione
#postproduzione #videomaking #thesplitscreen
Peter Lingren, Matti Hapooja e ora anche il grande McKinnon sbarcano su #verosocial dopo un duro attacco ad #instagram. Forse una rivoluzione è arrivata, gli occhi sono stati aperti, e si è trovato il coraggio di criticare e abbandonare i vecchi social,ormai diventati carrozzoni non più al servizio dell’ utilizzatore. C’è sempre un’alternativa, si può uscire da certi vizi…basta volerlo e smettere di essere pecoroni! #facebook #verosocial #social #twitter #photo #videomaking
#videomaking #photo #twitter #social #facebook #instagram #verosocial
Enhance your videos and pictures thanks Topaz Gigapixel AI, Video Enhance AI, DeNoise AI, Sharpen AI now available with a 360$ discount | Cyber Monday 2021 | https://swif.link/uhdquality
Black Friday 2021 Mac App, VPN, Plugins, Pro Video and Sound Apps, Lifetime Deals, Bundles, Games Deals and more on https://macosdeals.medium.com/best-black-friday-deals-2021-macapps-266e6f4adc88
#topaz #photography #ai #videoediting #videomaking #photoediting
#cybermonday #BlackFriday2021 #BlackFriday #photoediting #videomaking #videoediting #ai #photography #topaz
Black Friday List has been transferred on http://pixly.me/black21news
Best Mac App Black Friday Deals 2021 for MacOS: MacApps, Games, Lifetime Deals, Pro Video/Audio/Photo Apps, Mac App Bundles, VPN and more http://pixly.me/black21
#blackfriday #blackfriday2021 #cybermonday #cybermonday2021 #mac #macos #macapps #macapp #plugins #professional #business #workflow #productivity
#vpn #stockphotos #games #game #lifetimedeals #bundle #bundles #photography #videomaking #editors
#editors #videomaking #photography #bundles #bundle #lifetimedeals #game #games #stockphotos #vpn #productivity #workflow #business #professional #plugins #macapp #macapps #macos #mac #cybermonday2021 #cybermonday #BlackFriday2021 #BlackFriday
Different Pro Video, Photo, Audio apps have been added to the Black Friday 2021 Deal List | More deals are coming | #blackfriday #videomaking #vfx #professional #editing #editors | All about BlackFriday http://pixly.me/blacktg and http://pixly.me/black21news
Black Friday 2021 Mac App, VPN, Plugins, Pro Video and Sound Apps, Lifetime Deals, Bundles, Games Deals and more on https://macappdeals.medium.com/best-mac-app-black-friday-deals-2021-for-macos-audio-photo-video-editing-ac33856396d1
#blackfriday #blackfriday2021 #cybermonday #cybermonday2021 #mac #macos #macapps #macapp #software
#software #macapp #macapps #macos #mac #cybermonday2021 #cybermonday #BlackFriday2021 #editors #editing #professional #vfx #videomaking #BlackFriday
Tips #Kdenlive et #videomaking
# Versionning: J'utilise toujours l'appimage disponible sur le site web, et je conserve les différentes versions. Ensuite je note toujours quelle version j'utilise (dans le nom de fichier par ex) pour faire un montage, et si je dois réouvrir un montage, j'ouvre l'appimage en question. Cela m'a évité quelques plantées.
# Audio:
Je synchronise mon export audio que j'ai traité avant le montage vidéo avec le rush vidéo et je le groupe avec pour cuter plus vite.
Das #c3voc stellt sich vor https://sendungsbewusstsein.info/sb-024-andreas-hubel-hinter-der-winkekatze