Every #semester I have students create #videoprojects instead of #presentations live during class. The timing is much better, and I can rewatch to grade accurately. Bonus, I can #share some great #student work with you!
The first one I want to share is about #NFTs and #Kpop, and honestly it was so refreshing to get a topic I'd never have thought of! I'll share a few more in this thread. https://youtu.be/TFHVVaVAb8g
#kpop #nfts #student #share #presentations #videoprojects #semester
Next couple of posts are about the gear I have and the gear that's on the way. Couple of posts after that will be about the kinds of things we're shooting (any maybe a few words about who "we" are.)
That'll probably be the end of my #videoProjects posting for today. (This is a reminder post, because my lunch break is ending, so I might be delayed in continuing.)
It was brought to my attention that I haven't really explained why I'm doing all this digging in to vintage video gear, and why I would bother making the effort to capture video from an obsolete 1970s or 1980s camera in the 20s.
So I'm going to talk about that for a minute.
For many of you, I imagine that at least part of the reason is self evident but I'll state it explicitly just in case:
- It's fuckin' cool. (but there's more than that.)
(short thread re: #videoProjects )
I feel like, having gained an unexpected work day, I should pick up one of my #VideoProjects
The one I've been thinking about the most has likely been delayed by a week or two while I figure out what happened to my other vintage cameras/replace them, but there are plenty of other things I could be spending time on.
OTOH, I had originally, vaguely, planned to spend the day with my wife staring at mountains and nature and stuff, and the act of creation might be a little much for today.
I wrote a first draft of a script for a teleplay about a deep space explorer encountering alien life.
I got to use the line "I met Space Bigfoot, and he's my friend" in a somewhat serious production.
DM me if you're interested in reading this very rough and tumble early draft before I polish it and start storyboarding.
Adding tags to this thread about the EIAJ documentary so I can reference it later #DIYMedia #citizenMedia #EIAJ #VideoProjects #videoFreex
#diymedia #citizenMedia #EIAJ #videoprojects #videoFreex
I planned out a few sets for my #DIYMedia #VideoProjects last night, too.
I spent few minutes watching behind the scenes footage from various TV shows that were shot on budgets too low to justify, or were using some locations too infrequently to justify, standing sets and discovered that my instincts were pretty okay.
Most TV projects use plywood and various fancy coatings instead of hardboard and spraypaint, but the end result is basically the same.