Going to the video store in Anne Carson’s “Autobiography of Red” (1998). #111Words #AnneCarson #AutobiographyOfRed #Geryon #Herakles #VerseNovel #VideoStore https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/03/going-to-video-store-in-anne-carsons.html
#videostore #versenovel #Herakles #Geryon #autobiographyofred #AnneCarson #111words
I discovered today that the world's greatest #VideoStore, Seattle's own Scarecrow Video, has a channel on #IA. I hope today's very ill-advised ruling doesn't affect them.
Snips Movies on Instagram: "Films like this make @snipsmovies unique. Out now, and available to rent on Blu-ray in probably only two or three movie rental stores in the world is KILLER NERD (1991) and BRIDE OF KILLER NERD (1992) #snipsmovies #videorental #videostore #Wirral #Bebington #smallbusiness #shoplocal" https://bit.ly/3GOpDPY
#snipsmovies #videorental #videostore #wirral #bebington #smallbusiness #shoplocal
Supporting the finest of ventures since for ever!
#AroValley #videostore #goodPeople #doinggood
RT @stillnewtwallen@twitter.com
We are missing #nightmareonelmstreet 4. But that's ok I improvised #vhs #videostore
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/stillnewtwallen/status/1410054694211403780
#nightmareonelmstreet #vhs #videostore