If you're doing anything Open Media related please consider putting a talk or workshop into CommCon's CFP before the end of Friday when the CFP will close!
Speakers get a free ticket which includes their hotel room and all meals while at the conference! You'll have a blast in a truly immersive community event.
#rtc #openmedia #opensource #videotech
If they can just create a tech for in-person meetings so that I can look interested during a 5-hour #Japanese meeting, that’d be great.
#japanese #nvidia #eyecontact #ai #videotech #videocalls #meetings
Any #ufo folks here? Helping a client archive his collection of footage, for a ton of 70s n 80s #ufo and #newage media. I have no idea what to do with it. Anyone a media archivist, or know one who might be interested in helping out? I am not a newagey person. But I would hate to see this whole library disapear. Its over 30 years worth of videos and interviews.
#newage #ufos #aliens #ufology #ufomastodon #UAPs #occulture #archiving #videotech #mediatech
#mediatech #videotech #archiving #occulture #UAPs #ufomastodon #ufology #aliens #ufos #newage #ufo