Dear fellow #artists, especially those working with #pencils (#colourPencils in particular), I'm looking for #recommendations for #videoTutorials for #drawing with #colorPencils.
Got a particular #colourPencil tutorial that really helped you out? Or know a #colorPencil artist who has a #YouTube or #PeerTube channel where they regularly draw #pencilArt? Please, do share!
#fediArt #mastoArt #LookingForRecommendations #askFedi #askMasto #askMastoArt
#artists #pencils #colourpencils #recommendations #videotutorials #drawing #colorpencils #colourpencil #colorpencil #youtube #PeerTube #pencilart #fediart #mastoart #lookingforrecommendations #askfedi #askmasto #AskMastoArt
Necessites gravar un vídeo en què apareguen una presentació i la teua imatge? En aquest tutorial t'ensenyem a configurar l'OBS Studio per poder fer-ho ➡
#CENT #videotutorials
Je vous ai récemment parlé de #Penpot pour vos design d'interface, voici quelques tutoriels !
Penpot ( #videotutorials for fundamentals