Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 #photography #airandspace #aircraft #airplanes #avgeek #aviationphotography #koreanwar #mcdonnelldouglasf4phantomii #mig17 #mikoyangurevichmig15 #northamericanf86sabre #planes #republicf105thunderchief #smithsonian #vietnamwar #highlight #jetfighteraircraft #sovietunion #stevenfudvarhazycenter #sweptwings #trainer #transonicspeeds (Flickr 08.07.2016) https://www.flickr.com/photos/7489441@N06/27575580763
#photography #airandspace #aircraft #airplanes #avgeek #aviationphotography #koreanwar #mcdonnelldouglasf4phantomii #MiG17 #mikoyangurevichmig15 #northamericanf86sabre #planes #republicf105thunderchief #smithsonian #vietnamwar #highlight #jetfighteraircraft #sovietunion #stevenfudvarhazycenter #sweptwings #trainer #transonicspeeds
Convair F-102A Delta Dagger 56-0984 #photography #airplanes #avgeek #aviation #wingsovertherockies #highlight #wingsmuseum #f102 #deltadagger #supersonicinterceptor #deltawingfighter #arearuling #centuryseries #coldwar #tupolevtu95 #unitedstatesairforce #vietnamwar #mcdonnellf101voodoo #mcdonnelldouglasf4phantomii #airnationalguard #qf102fullscaleaerialtarget #fsat (Flickr 2017-06-05 22:12:51) https://www.flickr.com/photos/7489441@N06/35097609656
#photography #airplanes #avgeek #aviation #wingsovertherockies #highlight #wingsmuseum #f102 #deltadagger #supersonicinterceptor #deltawingfighter #arearuling #centuryseries #coldwar #tupolevtu95 #unitedStatesAirForce #vietnamwar #mcdonnellf101voodoo #mcdonnelldouglasf4phantomii #airnationalguard #qf102fullscaleaerialtarget #fsat
Commander of Australian troops at Long Tan dies days after 50th anniversary https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.smh.com.au/national/commander-of-australian-troops-at-long-tan-dies-days-after-50th-anniversary-20230821-p5dy3o.html #OzHist #VietnamWar
"Commando Lava" was a top-secret project where low flying aircraft dispersed powder engineered to turn mud into glutinous super-mud during the #VietnamWar
The powder made mud more liquid so it could not support any weight. Vehicles would sink to their axles and get bogged down. The powder also slowed evaporation, so the mud lasted longer.
Of course, the Vietnamese quickly defeated this by just putting down gravel.
ただこの写真はすごく好きで待ち受けにしている。#VoAnKhanh #photography
A makeshift hospital during The #VietnamWar, 1970
#vietnamwar #photography #voankhanh
Grumman F-14 Tomcat #photography #airplanes #avgeek #aviation #wingsovertherockies #highlight #wingsmuseum #f14tomcat #grumman #fighteraircraft #twinengine #jet #unitedstatesnavy #vfx #generaldynamics #f111b #f4phantomii #teenseries #aircombat #vietnamwar #lantirn #precisiongroundattack #boeingfa18efsuperhornet #iran #pahlavidynasty #islamicrepublicofiranairforce #iraq #iran (Flickr 05.06.2017) https://www.flickr.com/photos/7489441@N06/35006520051
#photography #airplanes #avgeek #aviation #wingsovertherockies #highlight #wingsmuseum #f14tomcat #grumman #fighteraircraft #twinengine #jet #unitedstatesnavy #vfx #generaldynamics #f111b #f4phantomii #teenseries #AirCombat #vietnamwar #lantirn #precisiongroundattack #boeingfa18efsuperhornet #iran #pahlavidynasty #islamicrepublicofiranairforce #iraq
> In every poll since the Viet Nam war, reinstatement of the draft is overwhelmingly opposed by the general public, and even more so by veterans...
> Despite a 22% increase in sexual assault reports since 2015, convictions have plummeted by almost 60% in the same timeframe.
#WorldBeyondWar #USAdraft #USAmilitary #MilitaryDraft #SexualAssault #USAveterans #VietnamWar #InvasionOfVietnam
#invasionofvietnam #vietnamwar #usaveterans #sexualassault #militarydraft #usamilitary #usadraft #WorldBeyondWar
> Both Laos and Cambodia have urged the U.S. to reconsider the transfer of cluster munitions to Ukraine, which stirred painful memories of the U.S. dropping similar bombs on their soil to disrupt North Vietnam’s logistical transportation system.
#ClusterBombs #Laos #Cambodia #Ukraine #TheUSA #USA #VietnamWar
#vietnamwar #usa #theusa #ukraine #cambodia #laos #clusterbombs
new york city
anti-war protest, times square
© the Nick DeWolf Foundation
Image-use requests are welcome via nickdewolfphotoarchive [at] gmail [dot] com
#photography #film #color #35mm #streetphotography #candid #citylife #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #people #timessquare #broadway #antiwar #vietnamwar #demonstration #protest #protesters #sign #movietheater #thenational #marquee #toweringinferno #1970s
#photography #film #color #35mm #streetphotography #candid #citylife #newyorkcity #newyork #nyc #manhattan #people #timessquare #broadway #antiwar #vietnamwar #demonstration #protest #protesters #sign #movietheater #thenational #marquee #toweringinferno #1970s
Skeptoid #254: Finding the POW/MIAs by Brian Dunning #powmia #miapow #vietnamwar #veterans #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot American POW/MIAs are probably not still being held captive inside Vietnam.
#powmia #miapow #vietnamwar #veterans #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
"There are nearly seven million #Catholics in #Vietnam, about 6.6% of the population of 95 million.
Vietnam broke relations with the #Vatican after the communists took over the reunited country at the end of the #VietnamWar in 1975" #CatholicChurch #TootSEA
Vatican, Vietnam to take major step forward in relations
#tootsea #catholicchurch #vietnamwar #vatican #vietnam #catholics
I recently went through museum tour of sorts, and the government employee running the tour was going through American wars, and then she got to the #VietnamWar, and I was thinking "wait, didn't we lose that one?" Yep, she went on to highlight that not only did we spend tons of money and time in #Vietnam, on the pretense of the #DominoTheory, but at the end, we just withdrew because the citizens hated it, only for the war to officially end with the state choosing communism anyways.
Like this girl over here is all proud of her country n stuff but she made the state sound so sad lol
Not to mention that she completely glazed over like all the chemical warfare that we did when we were over there
#vietnamwar #vietnam #dominotheory
An update on my current research project - Australian Air Power and the Vietnam War https://drrossmahoney.wordpress.com/2023/07/06/australian-air-power-in-the-vietnam-war/ #airpowerhistory #VietnamWar #MilHist
#AirPowerHistory #vietnamwar #milhist
📖 Num artigo puplicado na Revista Ler História, a Rita Luís aborda a forma como a #censura da informação na TV se articulou com o desenvolvimento tecnológico deste meio, nomeadamente, como é que o #EstadoNovo agiu perante três eventos de impacto mundial: o assassinato de John F. Kennedy, a guerra do Vietname e a chegada de pessoas à Lua?
🔓 Para ler em #AcessoAberto: https://journals.openedition.org/lerhistoria/11329
#histodons #Censorship #Dictatorships #Portugal #USA #JFK #TV #VietnamWar #MoonLanding
#censura #EstadoNovo #acessoaberto #histodons #censorship #dictatorships #portugal #usa #jfk #tv #vietnamwar #moonlanding
50 years after the Vietnam War ended, its bombs continue to kill | Weapons News | Al Jazeera
"The US carried out more than a million bombing raids during the 20-year conflict, dropping some 5 million tonnes of ordnance on the Southeast Asian country. About a third of the munitions, including cluster bombs, did not explode on impact."
#vietnamwar #vietnam #americanempire
"The visit of the #USSRonaldReagan will only be the third for a US aircraft carrier since the end of the #VietnamWar...
This year #Washington is seeking to upgrade its formal ties with #Vietnam, amid #Hanoi’s frequent disputes with #Beijing over boundaries in the #SouthChinaSea"
US combat ship to make rare port call in Vietnam amid South China Sea tensions
#southchinasea #beijing #hanoi #vietnam #washington #vietnamwar #USSRonaldReagan
#uxo New Exhibit Opens August 11 @internationalpeacemuseum #dayton #thesecretwar #laos #landmines #vietnamwar #legaciesofwar @legaciesofwar #ohio #museum
#uxo #dayton #thesecretwar #laos #landmines #vietnamwar #legaciesofwar #ohio #museum
"The most dangerous man in America"
(Judith Elrich & Rick Goldsmith. 2009)
A little tribute to Daniel Ellsberg who died friday at the age of 92.
He was the first ever #Whistleblower and by leaking the #PentagonPapers in 1971 he changed the course of #VietnamWar, no doubt.
War criminal Henry #Kissinger called #DanielEllsberg "the most dangerous man in America".
That's the title directors Judith Ehrlich and Rick Goldsmith chose for their 2009 #documentary on this genuine truth fighter.
#Whistleblower #pentagonpapers #vietnamwar #kissinger #danielellsberg #documentary
Convair F-102A Delta Dagger 56-0984 #photography #airplanes #avgeek #aviation #wingsovertherockies #highlight #wingsmuseum #convair #f102deltadagger #interceptor #aircraft #unitedstatesairforce #coldwar #tupolevtu95 #centuryseries #supersonic #mach1 #vietnamwar #mcdonnellf101voodoo #mcdonnelldouglasf4phantomii #airnationalguard #qf102fullscaleaerialtarget #fsat #convairf106deltadart (Flickr 05.06.2017) https://www.flickr.com/photos/7489441@N06/35006653221
#photography #airplanes #avgeek #aviation #wingsovertherockies #highlight #wingsmuseum #convair #f102deltadagger #interceptor #aircraft #unitedStatesAirForce #coldwar #tupolevtu95 #centuryseries #supersonic #mach1 #vietnamwar #mcdonnellf101voodoo #mcdonnelldouglasf4phantomii #airnationalguard #qf102fullscaleaerialtarget #fsat #convairf106deltadart
On 20 June 1967 Muhammad Ali was convicted for refusing the Vietnam Draft. The judge handed down the maximum sentence to Cassius Clay (as they insisted upon calling him in court): five-years in a federal penitentiary and a $10,000 fine. The Supreme Court overturned Ali’s conviction in 1971 after the consensus on the war had changed profoundly.
#muhammadali #vietnam #vietnamdraft #vietnamwar #onthisday