You #OnceRemarked in #TwitterWorld that we should #TakeComfort that #MorePeople #Viewed our #RespectiveTweets than watched the #GiantBigotNetwork...
We can #OnlyHope that is #StillTrue...
#ILikeITHere in the #MastodonSpyBalloon...
#IT's #AllYourFault, #ThankYou...
#Here... #HaveAFreeRainbow...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π΅οΈπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπ΅οΈ
Rainbow: Full Theme
#onceremarked #twitterworld #takecomfort #morepeople #viewed #respectivetweets #giantbigotnetwork #onlyhope #stilltrue #ilikeithere #mastodonspyballoon #it #allyourfault #thankyou #here #haveafreerainbow
The #FIFA World Cup is arguably the most prestigious #sporting spectacle in the world. Over half the world's population tuning in to watch the 2018 #tournament. A total of 1.12 billion people #viewed the 2018 final between #France and #Croatia that is 11 times the number of people who normally watch the #superbowl. -->
#fifa #sporting #tournament #viewed #france #croatia #superbowl
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#similar #items #suggestions #viewed #consume #kimkardashian #humancentipede #menswear #shirt #devil #wine #glass #cup #fridge #screw #screenshot
#viewed #consume #kimkardashian #wine #glass #similar #items #suggestions #humancentipede #menswear #shirt #devil #cup #fridge #screw #screenshot
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#similar #items #suggestions #viewed #consume #kimkardashian #humancentipede #menswear #shirt #devil #wine #glass #cup #fridge #screw #screenshot
#viewed #consume #kimkardashian #wine #glass #similar #items #suggestions #humancentipede #menswear #shirt #devil #cup #fridge #screw #screenshot