GregCocks · @GregCocks
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Pacific Crest Trail Viewshed [animation]
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H/T Doug Newcombe
“This animation is a viewshed of the Pacific Crest Trail. A viewshed shows all surrounding terrain that is visible from a given point on the trail. The viewshed is taken at 1/10 of a mile increments. Visible terrain is light colored, invisible terrain is darker. Views are without regard for vegetation or tree cover…”
“The following viewsheds were created with GDAL, one tif for every tenth
of a mile along the 2,650 mile Pacific Crest Trail. Stitched together
with ffmpeg..”

#gis #spatial #mapping #viewsheds #spatialanalysis #3d #elevation #pacific #pnw #pacificcresttrail #dem #gdal #ffmpeg #viewshed #animation #hiking #trail

Last updated 1 year ago