Thought I would share a home recording of a few old band mates, re-recording an original song we played many years back but never got a good tape of it. It's sort of a Western Rock style ballad and I have to admit I'm really pleased with the results.
See what you think ... #rock #ballad #vigilante #holeinthewall
#holeinthewall #vigilante #ballad #rock
Today in Labor History August 19, 1916: Strikebreakers attacked and beat picketing IWW strikers in Everett, Washington. The police refused to intervene, claiming it was federal jurisdiction. However, when the strikers retaliated, they arrested the strikers. Vigilante attacks on IWW picketers and speakers escalated and continued for months. In October, vigilantes forced many of the strikers to run a gauntlet, violently beating them in the process. The brutality culminated in the Everett massacre on November 5, when Wobblies (IWW members) sailed over from Seattle to support the strikers. The sheriff called out to them as they docked, “Who is your leader?” And the Wobblies yelled back, “We all are!” The sheriff told them they couldn’t dock. One of the Wobblies said, “Like hell we can’t!” And then a mob of over 200 vigilantes opened fire on them. As a result, seven died and 50 were wounded. John Dos Passos portrays these events in his USA Trilogy.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #IWW #union #strike #washington #vigilante #massacre #PoliceBrutality #police #fiction #HistoricalFiction #novel #writer #books #author #DosPassos @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #IWW #union #strike #washington #vigilante #massacre #policebrutality #police #fiction #historicalfiction #novel #writer #books #author #dospassos
"🔍📱 Protege tu Privacidad en Android 🛡️
Estas 3 aplicaciones te alertarán con colores clave si una app accede a tu
🟢 Cámara,
🟠 Micrófono,
🟣 Ubicación,
¡al estilo de iOS 14! 🚨📷🎙️
Privacy Indicators:
Y lo mejor: ¡todas son de código abierto, se descargan desde fdroid y no acceden a internet! 🌐🙅♂️
También mencionamos a Access Dots, ¡que hace lo mismo, pero solo en Play Store! Descubre cómo mantener tus permisos bajo control. 🛡️👀
Más Información:
#Privacidad #seguridad #ciberseguridad #fdroid #safedot #vigilante #Privacy Indicators #android
#privacidad #seguridad #ciberseguridad #fdroid #safedot #vigilante #privacy #android
#BorisJohnson #newts #southoxfordhire
This is because the
#conservatives have just one councillor left - with #labour forming the official opposition to a #libdem #green joint administration! This situation - which dates from the #LocalElections2023 in #england - may be a harbinger of a wider collapse in the #conservative political heartland of the rural #homecounties .
In which case the #newt has had the last laugh on him!
Hope no #vigilante calls my #toot #speciesappropriation !
#borisjohnson #newts #southoxfordhire #labour #libdem #green #localelections2023 #england #conservative #homecounties #newt #speciesappropriation #conservatives #vigilante #toot
@grayface_ghost @connersjackson @Ruth_Mottram
No doubt I have phobias but that is not one of them to my knowledge. #trolling by any kind of #vigilante is definitely one though!
These Christian Nationalists Want to Stone Adulterers to Death
Aspiring theocrats want to install Old Testament justice in America: “Society itself has to be the one to purge the evil”.
#christofascists #stoning #vigilante #theocracy #nationalism #mentalhealth #hypercapitalism
#christofascists #stoning #vigilante #theocracy #nationalism #mentalhealth #hypercapitalism
Hmm, not recommended, but interesting... Vigilante uses #MMA to subdue someone lighting off wildfires. #vigilante #arson #Vallejo #wildfires #crime
#vigilante #arson #vallejo #wildfires #mma #crime
Today in Labor and Writing History July 10, 1917: The Jerome Deportation occurred in Arizona. On July 5, IWW workers struck at Phelps Dodge mines, in Jerome, Az. Mine supervisors, along with a hastily formed “Citizens Committee” made up of local business leaders, rounded up and deported over 100 Wobblies (IWW members) to Needles, CA, and told them to never return. Two days later, after seeing how successful they had been in Jerome, they launched an even bigger deportation in Bisbee, Az. This time, they rounded up roughly 2,000 Wobblies from the Phelps Dodge mines in Bisbee, Az, and deported them to New Mexico.
“Bisbee ‘17,” (1999) by Robert Houston, is a historical novel based on the Bisbee deportations. There was also a really interesting film of the same name that came out in 2018. In the film, the town’s inhabitants reenact the events of the Bisbee deportation 100 years later. It also includes interviews with current residents.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #bisbee #deportation #IWW #arizona #mining #vigilante #film #book #novel #writer #author #HistoricalFiction @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #bisbee #deportation #IWW #arizona #mining #vigilante #film #book #novel #writer #author #historicalfiction
Why We Don’t Recommend #RingCameras
They’re affordable and ubiquitous, but homeowners shouldn’t be able to act as vigilantes.
#privacy #surveillance #vigilante
#vigilante #surveillance #privacy #ringcameras
The Right Has a Vigilante Fetish #politics #uspolitics #vigilante
#politics #uspolitics #vigilante
On June 10, 1983, Vigilante debuted in Ireland. Here’s a portrait of Robert Forster on a Post-It note to mark the occasion!
#Vigilante #Vigilante1982 #WilliamLustig #RobertForster #ActionMovies #ExploitationFilm #CultMovies #TCMUnderground #GangFilm #FanArt #1980s #Movies #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#vigilante #vigilante1982 #williamlustig #robertforster #actionmovies #exploitationfilm #cultmovies #tcmunderground #gangfilm #FanArt #1980s #movies #movieart #moviehistory
Today in Labor History June 10, 1937: The mayor of Monroe, Michigan organized a vigilante mob of 1,400 men armed with baseball bats and teargas to break the picket line at Newton Steel. As a result, eight strikers were injured and hospitalized. The vigilantes also vandalized sixteen of the workers’ cars dumped eight of them into the river.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #union #strike #vigilante #violence #michigan
#workingclass #LaborHistory #union #strike #vigilante #violence #michigan
Today in Labor History June 10, 1904: The National Guard deported 79 striking Colorado miners to Kansas, following a battle between the Colorado Militia and striking miners at Dunnville that had occurred two days prior. The battle ended with six union members dead and 15 taken prisoner. Dozens were arrested without warrants and held without formal charges. All this occurred during the infamous Colorado Labor Wars (1903-1904) in which dozens of striking workers were slaughtered by cops, national guards and vigilantes and hundreds were deported. The miners, organized by the Western Federation of Miners, and led by future IWW founders Big Bill Haywood and Vincent Saint John, often fought back with guns, and engaged in sabotage, blowing up mines.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #mining #colorado #police #PoliceBrutality #acab #IWW #wfm #BigBillHaywood #militia #union #strike #massacre #vigilante #deportation
#workingclass #LaborHistory #mining #colorado #police #policebrutality #acab #IWW #wfm #bigbillhaywood #militia #union #strike #massacre #vigilante #deportation
Today in Labor History June 7, 1929: Striking textile workers battled police in Gastonia, North Carolina, during the Loray Mill Strike. Police Chief O.F. Aderholt was accidentally killed by one of his own officers during a protest march by striking workers. Nevertheless, the authorities arrested six strike leaders. They were all convicted of “conspiracy to murder.”
The strike lasted from April 1 to September 14. It started in response to the “stretch-out” system, where bosses doubled the spinners’ and weavers’ work, while simultaneously lowering their wages. When the women went on strike, the bosses evicted them from their company homes. Masked vigilantes destroyed the NTWU union headquarters. The NTWU set up a tent city for the workers, with armed guards to protect them from the vigilantes.
One of the main organizers was a poor white woman named Ella May Wiggans. She was a single mother, with nine kids. Rather than living in the tent city, she chose to live in the African American hamlet known as Stumptown. She was instrumental in creating solidarity between black and white workers and rallying them with her music. Some of her songs from the strike were “Mill Mother’s Lament,” and “Big Fat Boss and the Workers.” Her music was later covered by Pete Seeger and Woodie Guthrie, who called her the “pioneer of the protest ballad.” During the strike, vigilantes shot her in the chest. She survived, but later died of whooping cough due to poverty and inadequate medical care.
For really wonderful fictionalized accounts of this strike, read “The Last Ballad,” by Wiley Cash (2017) and “Strike!” by Mary Heaton Vorse (1930).
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #EllaMayWiggans #textile #women #feminist #union #communism #vigilante #PoliceBrutality #police #acab #solidarity #racism #poverty #NorthCarolina #fiction #HistoricalFiction #author @bookstadon
#workingclass #LaborHistory #ellamaywiggans #textile #women #feminist #union #communism #vigilante #policebrutality #police #acab #solidarity #racism #poverty #NorthCarolina #fiction #historicalfiction #author
How the Republicans became the party of vigilante violence
Republican support for violence is so prolific, it has become a staple of campaign ads. Vice, for one, sees this as evidence vigilantism seeps up from the base, and incendiary media such as Fox News amplify it. While demagogues such as Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson have a history of inciting violence, the godfather of modern-day vigilantism is Donald Trump.
#gunviolence #vigilante #trump #insurrection
#gunviolence #vigilante #trump #insurrection
Heute habe ich Band 14 von #Vigilante ausgelesen. 📚
Auch hierbei handelt es sich um den Vorletzten bevor die Reihe endlich abgeschlossen ist. 😱 An sich war Koichi schon vor dem Finale dabei seinen Charakterbogen abzuschließen, aber die beiden Mangaka haben ihm noch eine letzte Prüfung auferlegt und die ist wirklich packend.
Zudem ist es so sympathisch wie Koichi eigentlich nicht sehr herausragend, dafür aber einfach die persönliche Nemesis des Gegners ist.
#vigilante #amlesen #manga #myheroacademia
“The forces of white supremacy always deputize vigilante violence, because the right to vigilante violence against Black people is arguably what white supremacy is. The right is fighting for the right of white people to police Black people, and to inflict any extreme of violence upon them in the course of that policing…That’s what American fascism looks like.” —Aaron Rupar
#SystemicRacism #WhiteSupremacy #Fascism #Vigilante #JordonNeely #JusticeForJordan
#justiceforjordan #jordonneely #vigilante #fascism #whitesupremacy #systemicracism
“The forces of white supremacy always deputize vigilante violence, because the right to vigilante violence against Black people is arguably what white supremacy is. The right is fighting for the right of white people to police Black people, and to inflict any extreme of violence upon them in the course of that policing…That’s what American fascism looks like.” —Aaron Rupar
#vigilante #fascism #whitesupremacy #systemicracism
Outrage simmers in New York after the killing of Jordan Neely on a subway train
#NYC #Subway #Vigilante #subwayvigilante #homeless #mentalhealth #jordanneely #TheGuardian
#nyc #subway #vigilante #subwayvigilante #Homeless #mentalhealth #jordanneely #theguardian
#GregAbbott’s #BLM Pardon: #Vigilante Justice Is Always About #Racism for the Right
#gregabbott #blm #vigilante #racism