Now #Ikki’s left (before later encountering Ukyo)…so there’s no choice but choosing him.
I’ve never had a soft spot for this character :raccoon_blob_scream: It’s almost in the extent to loathing. His flirtatious lifestyle isn’t my cup of tea since the beginning based on how he dealt with FC with light-hearted, worthless actions.
Let’s see if my attitudes toward him may change this time…
#AmnesiaMemories #アムネシアメモリーズ #OtomeGame #乙女ゲーム #NintendoSwitch #ViiIsPlaying
#ikki #amnesiamemories #アムネシアメモリーズ #otomegame #乙女ゲーム #nintendoswitch #viiisplaying
Here come my bias :abunhdheart: #Kent!
#AmnesiaMemories #アムネシアメモリーズ #OtomeGame #乙女ゲーム #NintendoSwitch #ViiIsPlaying
#kent #amnesiamemories #アムネシアメモリーズ #otomegame #乙女ゲーム #nintendoswitch #viiisplaying
Another game I was about to start on :ns: #NintendoSwitch
As ML is also amnesiac, I kinda mixed my reminiscence with Amnesia (game) :dog_sad: So, I’d say I have no memories about this one anymore.
It’ll be a new start…totally LOL :raccoon_blob_heh:
#CodeRealize #CodeRealizeGuardianOfRebirth #CodeRealize創世の姫君 #OtomeGame #乙女ゲーム #ViiIsPlaying
#nintendoswitch #coderealize #coderealizeguardianofrebirth #coderealize創世の姫君 #otomegame #乙女ゲーム #viiisplaying
Says, I’d call myself a huge fan of #ROSEVERTE and gotta admit #HTTOYM is one of their masterpieces. As a discount on :ns: hit the floor, I again grabbed it without second thought :bunny_jump:
Then Imma replay this game again :dog_cool: It’s been awhile after I completed it. This gonna be fresh!
#roseverte #httoym #otomegame #乙女ゲーム #viiisplaying
Shin then :bunny_hi:
He’s too young for me to enjoy somehow :dog_sad: This boy sure would annoy me ’til the end, it seems…
#AmnesiaMemories #アムネシアメモリーズ #OtomeGame #乙女ゲーム #Shin #NintendoSwitch #ViiIsPlaying
#amnesiamemories #アムネシアメモリーズ #otomegame #乙女ゲーム #shin #nintendoswitch #viiisplaying