I watched ‘Purple Rain’ this afternoon and completely lost it when they sang the song… death sucks. I’ll be fine in a few months, but right now I’m a mess… I miss my mom. I need a drink (or 1,000) STAT! 😭😭😭#loismaecarlsonleslie #vikingasfuck #prince #princerogersnelson #princeandtherevolution #therevolution #purplerain 💜💜💜 ☔️ ☔️ ☔️
#loismaecarlsonleslie #vikingasfuck #prince #princerogersnelson #princeandtherevolution #therevolution #purplerain
Not gonna lie… today was a very hard day for me. I truly miss my mom. #loismaecarlsonleslie #vikingasfuck
#loismaecarlsonleslie #vikingasfuck