3rd Wednesday before Mabon

Dear Ms Perry

We were very sorry to hear about the incident yesterday while the children of Chough Class were putting up their Vine Month decorations.

I understand that when your son Mark tried to explain to his classmate Bark Crowland that in your belief system, your prophet is known as the Living Wine, Bark replied with 'that's just Bacchus'.

#villageschool #insularkingdoms

Last updated 1 year ago

@jewwhohasitall Yay, holidays! I need to make sure the has some activities to raise awareness of Yom Saint Francis Ha'Kadosh. I think maybe they light lanterns????


Last updated 1 year ago

Dear parents,

We are very sorry that some of you found The Journey Of Inanna unsuitable for Story Time this week! We have listened to all your complaints about children 'bringing home drawings of naked corpses' and 'having nightmares about men turning into snakes'.

However, in a majority Pagan society, children will be disadvantaged if they are not familiar with beloved stories like this one. Also, it teaches the importance of give and take among siblings!

#villageschool #insularkingdoms

Last updated 1 year ago

This week, the children at the will be celebrating Holly Month by making protective holly charms and learning about deciduous and evergreen trees. We celebrate the evergreen holly in the height of summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, acknowledging that soon it will be among the only greenery to be seen, just as its presence in winter reminds us that Holly Month will return.

#villageschool #insularkingdoms

Last updated 1 year ago

Dear staff:
Re: Assemblies

Can we please all make an effort to remember that we are a School when choosing songs for Assembly? I know everyone prefers the songs we learned when we were children ourselves, and they do mostly have better tunes, but we need to be to those from minority religious traditions.

In particular:

'Onward, Pagan Army' is unsuitable even if you leave out verses 2-4, 7-9 and all the actions.

#villageschool #multifaith #allies #insularkingdoms

Last updated 1 year ago


As some of you may have noticed, the junction of School Lane and Wickery Hill is blocked at present by a delegation of Persons from the Otherworld. If this is still going on at 3.15, the children will exit the school via the back exit onto Stone Circle Road. Please note that there is very little room for parking and turning.

Please also note that these are *not* the whose stall was such a hit at last week's Pride March.

#villageschool #radicalfaeries #insularkingdoms

Last updated 1 year ago

Dear parents, guardians and friends:

As we begin Litha Term we are very pleased to announce that the renovation work is finally completed and Chough Class, Hare Class and Bat Class will be returning to their usual classroom and Forest School setup. Thank you for your patience, and especial thanks to everyone who helped with the new mural. The mural depicts and secular children clasping hands in friendship!

#villageschool #pagan #insularkingdoms

Last updated 1 year ago

@jewwhohasitall How interesting! And a name everyone can pronounce, how sensible and forward-looking of her parents! I do feel she could show some pride in her heritage, though - I'd always assumed, as I'm sure others had, that she was descended from normal Welsh pagans. We have two little Gwyneths at the and one has agnostic Welsh parents, while the other is Reorganised Druidic.

#exotic #villageschool

Last updated 1 year ago

Danny Ardanes dropped by the office to collect his cat and tell us that he was planning to go to Glastonbury to present a hand-lettered copy of his 'ancient Book of Shadows' to the King.

"Are you totally sure about giving artefacts from the Otherworld to kings?" I said.

"It's important information," said Mr Ardanes. "He needs to know."

#villageschool #insularkingdoms

Last updated 2 years ago

@jewwhohasitall Bookmarking this for the . I'm looking forward to learning about prominent Christian-Americans when everyone gets back online after Shabbat.


Last updated 2 years ago

REMINDER: Friday is the date for the Coven Quiz. All welcome! Please note that the quiz is, as always, set and hosted by Mr Sanders from the , who has been through it lately though he did seem more cheerful this morning, so if you have friends who have competed on TV shows like Druidic Challenge or Crone Cerebrum you might want to bring them along.

In other news, spells are requested for a swift recovery for Mr Sanders' nephew Cyril Sanders, who has shingles.

#villageschool #insularkingdoms

Last updated 2 years ago

How interesting to visit a local Christian moot with Mandy so she could celebrate Palm Sunday! There was a beautiful working, in which members of the moot walked in procession carrying willow branches. Mandy said it represented the journey of the God into their holy city.

We could learn a lot from the Christians about honouring urban environments in practice. I wonder if one of the technopagan circle from Binley Stoke could come to the and give a talk about it?

#villageschool #insularkingdoms

Last updated 2 years ago


Something very large has been spotted swimming in the bay. If you are a fishing industry worker and have been skimping on leaving part of your catch for the Bucca, will you please make this right as soon as possible?

The Bucca is believed to be kind to children, but the nature walk today will take the cliff path rather than the beach path, just in case.

#villageschool #insularkingdoms

Last updated 2 years ago

I asked Mandragora if she felt like helping get the flower patch ready to plant a butterfly garden next term, or sitting in on Danny Ardanes' auditions for a new High Priestess, or blessing some candles to take round to cheer up Mr Sanders, who has been incredibly grouchy since Mr Hernesworn started dating local surfing instructor Wulf Wimhof.

She made a face, and said that she had 'taken a new religious direction' and was asking people to call her Mandy.

#villageschool #insularkingdoms

Last updated 2 years ago

notice: Bat Class will be taught by Mx Loge on Friday morning, as Mr Hernesworn has an appointment to meet his fellow second Wulf Wimhof, and attempt mediation.

Please note this is about the Duel Of The Art between Mr Sanders and his nephew Cyril and has nothing to do with the sacred degree of Fellow Second in the mysteries of the Toadmen of Little Shugg. No one needs to roll their trousers up or wear an apron unless they were already planning to do so.

#villageschool #insularkingdoms

Last updated 2 years ago

Some of the children at the have been asking why the Pátrikablót shamrock emoji has 4 leaves, rather than 3 like an ordinary shamrock. The answer is that Pátrik miraculously found a 4-leaved shamrock & used it to resolve a dispute between rival sports leagues by dividing the country into four 'provinces' (cúige), which made it much easier to organise round robin tournaments.

It is *not* 'an extra bit, because everyone's a little bit Christian on Pátrikablót'.


#villageschool #insularkingdoms

Last updated 2 years ago

Mx Loge just popped in (dressed as an astronaut for some reason) to give me a fancy treat bag and drop off this announcement. Bit unexpected, but congratulations to our own Mr Sanders and Mr Hernesworn!

#villageschool #insularkingdoms

Last updated 2 years ago

@zwicky I asked around at the , but Mr Sanders thought that rabbits in Pharaonic Kemet were probably livestock, Mr Hernesworn thinks they were more likely to be a plague, and Ms Nin-Zid believes that the rabbit should be understood as a holy slaying messenger of haShem of a similar nature to our own Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog.


Last updated 2 years ago

The children at our *all* have this Friday afternoon off as tomorrow we welcome Rowan Month and of course many children will be celebrating Lunar New Year. It turns out that the Little Free Library mystery was Mx Loge's way of welcoming the Year of the Rabbit! We wish a happy and auspicious New Year to all. Gong hei fat choy!

#villageschool #yearoftherabbit #gongheifatchoy #insularkingdoms

Last updated 2 years ago

Awww, it's time to laminate coat peg and locker labels for the new arrivals in Bat Class this term! We welcome Acorn, Arianrhod A, Arianrhod M, Catkin, Freydis, Orion, R'ven-Starlyghte, Swegn, Taliesin and Becky. (Bicky? Rivkah? We already have a Vikky in Chough Class, is that the same name? Does anyone know? I don't want to order it in specially and find out that it's wrong))

We say farewell to Yosef, who is going home to . We will miss you!

#villageschool #medinatamerica #insularkingdoms

Last updated 2 years ago