JTO is Typing · @JTO_is_Typing
3 followers · 191 posts · Server mstdn.games

My begins the day I finally put out that version of Pokémon where not only is every instance of "evolve" replaced by "metamorphose," but a copy of Franz Kafka's "The Metamorphosis" replaces all the "Crammed full of books on POKéMON books!" textboxes.


Last updated 1 year ago

Badass Britt :mastodon_lgbt: · @britt
3147 followers · 5397 posts · Server mstdn.games

I’m going to attempt to start something fun/silly…

What’s your ?

I think mine began circa 2007:

I worked at the Apple Store as a teacher and a customer purchased me an item as a gift because they appreciated my classes.

Wait for it:

My boss took their money, then after they left they took the item from me, and placed it back on the shelf and said, “we are not allowed to receive gifts.”

Yeahhhhhhh, that actually happened.


Last updated 1 year ago

Diana Lloyd · @DianaLloydBooks
5 followers · 8 posts · Server romancelandia.club

3/3 I convinced myself I could write something equal and then challenged myself to get my book published. If a publisher picked up a book about a hero with a metal nose, maybe they’d give my brand of crazy a chance. Entangled Publishing gave me that chance.
If you ask nicely, I’ll tell you the name of the nose clip book. It taught me the important lesson that every book finds its audience.

#writingcommunity #historicalromance #histrom #amwriting #villainoriginstory

Last updated 2 years ago