My first attempt at making a sticker sheet - WLW ships edition. Kinda cute! I have an idea of the things I need to tweak for next time. Could being a lifelong obsessive fan of People and Fictional Works actually have a practical use?! 🤔
🏷️ #Cricut #Stickers #StickerSheet #CricutDesigns #Villaneve #LGBT #Sapphic #WLW #Lesbian #LGBTQIA #LifeIsStrange #KillingEve #Riverdale #Beronica #Choni #AmberPrice
#cricut #stickers #StickerSheet #cricutdesigns #villaneve #lgbt #sapphic #wlw #lesbian #lgbtqia #lifeisstrange #killingeve #riverdale #beronica #choni #amberprice
"12 TV Deaths That Hurt The Most"
"This death is depressing in the narrative, and tragic because it makes no narrative sense." — Kelli Boyle
Well said, Kelli. Still not over this. I'll never be over this. #KillingEve #Villanelle #BuryYourGays #FuckLauraNeal #VillanelleDeservedBetter #Villaneve
#villaneve #villanelledeservedbetter #fucklauraneal #buryyourgays #villanelle #killingeve