vim as a perfect large language models prompts playground
#vim #editor #vimplugin #LLM #promptengineering #largelanguagemodels
#vim #editor #vimplugin #llm #PromptEngineering #largelanguagemodels
Best new two lines in my .vimrc:
imap <F5> <Esc>:w<CR>:!clear;python %<CR>
nmap <F5> <Esc>:w<CR>:!clear;python %<CR>
When within a Python-script, I hit F5 and it will run the code in a 'new' window. Very useful for quick debugging/printing stuff when writing a new script.
Another good source for learning the Vim Editor is Swaroop's book "Byte of Vim".
#vim #programming #computerscience
#vim #programming #computerscience
I swear: about 90% of people on r/Neovim just don’t do any real work with it, they only look at pretty colors and at adding the latest plugins for fun.
Otherwise 90% of the threads don’t make any sense.
“I’m learning vim but I’m struggling with building my config”.
You’re not learning vim, mate. At best you’re learning Lua.
En suivant un message parlant de #vim, pour développer en LaTeX, je me suis abonné au hashtag dudit langage.
Dans le contexte, j'oublie la polysémie du mot et j'oublie ça.
Puis plus tard je suis un peu surpris de voir des photos de gens en full latex arriver dans ma timeline sans être posté ou boosté par des gens que je suis.
Il est tricky ce hashtag.
Hello les (neo)vimistes ou les autres développeurs intrigués par les éditeurs modaux.
Sur Paris le 20 septembre aura lieu un #TupperVim. Toutes les infos sont sur mais en résumé: Mercredi 20 septembre de 19h30 à 22h dans les locaux de cashbee au 4 rue Thorel et inscription sur
Pour les curieux, voir ça comme un apéro autour de l'éditeur.
C'est super sympa, ça fait progresser et/ou rencontrer des gens !
#tuppervim #vim #nvim #neovim #helix #kakoune #emacs
In VSCode aus der Konsole #vim öffnen um Dateien zu editieren.
Working like a pro....
hoo boy... it's bad enough having to exit #vim myself. Try walking someone through entering a git commit message with it in Git Bash on Windows when they've never used it, or git or bash before!
"you press ESCAPE, yep, now a colon ... yeah the two dots next to the EL, but you have to use SHIFT to reach it ... okay good, now we see the colon at the bottom, good. Now press W and Q ... yup just those, to write and quit. Oh and now press ENTER. yep it's done and made the commit..."
Tabs vs spaces has always been a controversial topic. Thankfully, vim isn't biased in any way.
To convert spaces to tabs, execute the command `:set noexpandtab`, followed by `:retab!`.
Vice versa, you can convert tabs to spaces with the command sequence:
:set expandtab
:set tabstop=4
:set shiftwidth=4
Pretty great article on #vim Netrw: “Using Netrw, vim’s builtin file explorer” by Heiker Curiel
No editor/IDE with #VIM mode option will offer you an experience close to the actual VIM. It's not worth it and it doesn't even make sense. Well, VIM is like this because it was built at a time when GUI and mouse were not used. Putting it inside a GUI editor/framework is meaningless.
I generally assume the following: if you have the option to program/edit where you feel better, use this. If not, use whatever works best for your team.
My latest syslog-ng git snapshot RPMs for @fedora / #RHEL are now ready:
This snapshot removes #vim syntax support, as it was moved to a separate repository from
#syslog_ng sources.