When White Boy Rick Wershe, an FBI snitch who spend three decades in prison was released, he wore a shirt that said Free Big Meech? What was that about? The answer appears to be Hollywood money.
#WhiteBoyRick #RichardWershe #FBI #VinceWade
#whiteboyrick #richardwershe #fbi #vincewade
Our Traitor-in-Chief [Donald Trump] desperately wants to be a totalitarian emperor, not a president. He is working as hard as he can as fast as he can to destroy our government. He’s out to dismantle the accountability, the laws, the institutions, the checks and balances of co-equal branches of government. He’s obliterating the work of the Founding Fathers. - Vince Wade
#VinceWade #DonaldTrump #TrumpLies
#vincewade #DonaldTrump #TrumpLies
"The habitual liar in the White House has told over 14 thousand documented lies or misstatements since taking office. He should also start wearing brown shirts to match his views." - Vince Wade #VinceWade #TrumpLies #Trump
Vince Wade #VinceWade writes some incredible commentaries on today's political climate. A perceptive, smart-ass newspaper columnist named H.L. Mencken made that prediction in 1920, nearly a century ago. Unfortunately, he was right. We have a pathological liar and narcissistic moron in the Oval Office [Trump 2016-2020]. #TrumpLies #Trump https://connertmedia.com/my-name-is-vince-wade/