this visually-confusing scene shows vine-on-vine action: lilikoi (passionfruit) vine crosses horizontally.
climbing vertically, and holding on to the lilikoi vine, are some water spinach plants (which, although they are considered water plants, do indeed climb as well!).
on the left is an unripe lilikoi hanging from a different section of that same lilikoi plant. so in this case, the lilikoi vine is acting as a trellis for the water spinach!
#gardening #plants #vinegang #tropicalag
here i'm using some cut lilikoi (passionfruit) vine to hold a bamboo that was starting to flop over. as you can see, vine can be a friend!
any tips for fertilizing plants that are mostly or entirely in the air?
i have some #vanilla plants that are crawling their way through the forest. i have no idea where they touch the ground, but they have plenty of air roots.
i was thinking of fertilizing them, but realized i don't know what to do. maybe a mist or spray bottle? but then what goes in the bottle? at what concentration?
thanks in advance!
#plants #gardening #vanilla #tropicalag #vinegang #tropical #epiphytes
yesterday's vine work: freeing the 'ohi'a lehua in image 1 from a bunch of lilikoi (passionfruit) that had nearly covered it. i needed a ladder & everything. pic 2 shows some of the vine after i pulled it off. it's really remarkable how heavy it can be. the poor 'ohi'a was overburdened.
once again, i did it to myself: i put some lilikoi starts next to the 'ohi'a & forgot to put them in final locations. so they grew & grew.
#vinegang #gardening #tropicalag
You can see here the end result of the great Ivy War. That's the last giant pile of it headed for the burn. It's still scattered about here and there but for now I weakened it and it is contained.
more vine removal tips on day ?? of vine clearing:
if you can find where the vine emanates from, you can cut a perimeter & then slowly shrink the circle (or circles).
i don't pull vine all day every day, but i do try to pull a little vine almost every day.
the vine expands, i trim it back, & the cycle continues. i merely surf the vine growth. the vine creeps forward, i push it back. it is a dance i do, me & the vine. fin.
#VineGang #TropicalAg #FoodForest #InvasiveSpecies #gardening
#vinegang #tropicalag #foodforest #invasivespecies #gardening