Vinschgauer , South Tirol Rye/flour bread has become rhe 2-weekly thing to bake, in variation with other wheat/rye loafs
It is a very favorite .
The last batches were made with scalding a part of the rye.
Not sure about the perfect ratio with that.
Together with the caraway, anis and fennel this bread does wonders for the digestive system.
#bread #vinschgauer #austria #tirol #ryebread
#Vinschgauer selbst gemacht. Ich liebe es.
#brotbacken #BackWahn #brot #vinschgauer
Wetter mist. Weihnachten hinsichtlich Familie und Freunden abgeblasen, was bleibt einem anderes übrig dem Backwahn zu frönen.
Endlich mal wieder #Seelen und #Vinschgauer selbst machen.