I'm trying to introduce a # on social networks for hamradio. Like #TowerTuesday (antennas & antennatowers) #VintageFriday (ham history) #SundayShack (shack & rig).
*to promote hamradio,
*to find operators among themselves,
*as an opening for a conversation of discussion & find ideas. Allowing operators to become more active on social networks...
#SundayShack #vintagefriday #towertuesday
Thank you Christopher! I agree with that.
I've been using #TowerTuesday (antennas & antenna towers) #VintageFriday (ham history) #SundayShack (snack & rig) for several years. Goal:
*to promote #hamradio,
*to find operators among themselves,
*as an opening for a conversation.
#hamradio #SundayShack #vintagefriday #towertuesday
#hfbands #sdr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #hamr #amateurfunk #amateurradio #hamradio #vintagefriday
#hfbands #sdr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #hamr #amateurfunk #amateurradio #hamradio #vintagefriday
#hfbands #sdr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #hamr #amateurfunk #amateurradio #hamradio #vintagefriday
#hfbands #sdr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #hamr #amateurfunk #amateurradio #hamradio #vintagefriday
#VintageFriday #hamradio #amateurradio #amateurfunk #hamr #cbradio #27mc #SWL #DX #SDR #HFbands
RT @GaryHolzschuh@twitter.com
The First Ham Radio Operator https://youtu.be/iMwo71HSKxY via @YouTube@twitter.com
#hfbands #sdr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #hamr #amateurfunk #amateurradio #hamradio #vintagefriday
#hfbands #sdr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #hamr #amateurfunk #amateurradio #hamradio #vintagefriday
#hfbands #sdr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #hamr #amateurfunk #amateurradio #hamradio #vintagefriday
#hfbands #sdr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #hamr #amateurfunk #amateurradio #hamradio #vintagefriday
#hfbands #sdr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #hamr #amateurfunk #amateurradio #hamradio #vintagefriday
#VintageFriday #hamradio #amateurradio #cbradio #27mc #SWL #DX #hamr #SDR
Walkie talkie set from 1966, works on channel 9 (27,065) Realtone Ranger midel TR-6919.
#sdr #hamr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #amateurradio #hamradio #vintagefriday
#VintageFriday #amateurradio #cbradio #27mc #SWL #DX #hamr #SDR Late 70's Icom 2meter portable transceiver. Model IC-215AD, 15 FM channels, output Low/high: 0.5/3 watt.
#sdr #hamr #dx #swl #27mc #cbradio #amateurradio #vintagefriday
#VintageFriday #FlashbackFriday #classiccar
RT @Memoire2cite@twitter.com
Rochetaillée sur Saone (69) Musée de l´Automobile Berliet T 100 1957 Camion Pétrolie
#ClassicCar #flashbackfriday #vintagefriday
#VintageFriday #FlashbackFriday #hamradio #hamr #amateurradio
RT @g4fui@twitter.com
Nothing wrong with Old School (apart from a slightly wonky fourth digit!) #hamradio #retroelectronics
#retroelectronics #amateurradio #hamr #hamradio #flashbackfriday #vintagefriday
#VintageFriday #FlashbackFriday #audio #Dartzeel
RT @Berny2876@twitter.com
#Dartzeel NHB-18NS pre-amplifier...
#Dartzeel #audio #flashbackfriday #vintagefriday
#VintageFriday #FlashbackFriday #audio #Victor
RT @1001hifi@twitter.com
Victor Stereo Hi-Fi System (1981)
More vintage audio: http://www.1001hifi.com
Support us: http://www.patreon.com/1001hifi
#victor #jvc #vintageaudio
#vintageaudio #jvc #Victor #audio #flashbackfriday #vintagefriday
#VintageFriday #FlashbackFriday #classiccar
RT @OldButNoSlow@twitter.com
#ClassicCar #flashbackfriday #vintagefriday
#VintageFriday #FlashbackFriday #classiccar
RT @OldButNoSlow@twitter.com
#ClassicCar #flashbackfriday #vintagefriday