Shave of the day 23rd June 2023
Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Shark Super Chrome
Brush: Artesania Romera Manchurian Badger, imitation horn
Pre-Shave: O Way Softening Shaving Cream
Lather: Asylum Shave Works Flying Mango
Aftershave: Barber No3 Marmara
Additional Care: Alum Block
SOTD 2023 06 23
A fine Friday shave on a sunny morn
#MastodonWetShavers #SOTD #SOTDphoto #VintageRazor #Wetshaving
#mastodonwetshavers #sotd #sotdphoto #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Shave of the day 21st June 2023
Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Shark Super Chrome
Brush: Brush Experimental Alpha
Pre-Shave: O Way Softening Shaving Cream
Lather: Arko Shavestick
Aftershave: Barber No3 Marmara
Additional Care: Alum Block
SOTD 2023 06 21
A quick midweek shave, with a shavestick moshed into a tub and a brush I made myself. I sho
#diy #sotd #sotdphoto #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Shave of the day 19th June 2023
Razor: Gillette Slim
Blade: Shark Super Chrome
Brush: Vie-Long #12705B
Pre-Shave: O Way Softening Shaving Cream
Lather: Goldex Nova Fórmula
Aftershave: Barber No3 Marmara
Additional Care: Alum Block & Barbossa Organic Sandalwood Beard Oil
SOTD 2023 06 19
Another week, another shave. What is not to like?
#12705b #sotd #sotdphoto #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Shave of the day 16th June 2023
Razor: Gillette 1958 TV Special
Blade: Shark Super Chrome
Brush: Vie-Long #14033
Pre-Shave: O Way Softening Shaving Cream
Lather: Asylum Shave Works Frankincense & Myrrh
Aftershave: Asylum Shave Works Frankincense & Myrrh
Additional Care: Alum Block & Barbossa Organic Sandalwood Beard Oil
SOTD 2023 06 16
A fast Fri
#sotd #sotdphoto #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Shave of the day 14th June 2023
Razor: Gillette 1958 TV Special
Blade: Shark Super Chrome
Brush: Vie-Long #13051M
Pre-Shave: O Way Softening Shaving Cream
Lather: Mike's Natural Soaps Orange, Cedarwood & Black Pepper
Aftershave: Barber No3 Marmara
Additional Care: Alum Block & Barbossa Organic Sandalwood Beard Oil
SOTD 2023 06 14
#MastodonWetShavers #SOTD #SOTDphoto #VintageRazor #Wetshaving
#13051m #mastodonwetshavers #sotd #sotdphoto #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Shave of the day 12th June 2023
Razor: Gillette 1958 TV Special
Blade: Shark Super Chrome
Brush: Wilkinson Sword Badger
Pre-Shave: O Way Softening Shaving Cream
Lather: B&M Latha Oceana
Aftershave: Epsilon for Men Scottish Spirit
Additional Care: Alum Block
SOTD 2023 06 12
Another Monday, another Moment of Zen in the bathroom.
#MastodonWetShavers #SOTD #SOTDphoto #VintageRazor #Wetshaving
#mastodonwetshavers #sotd #sotdphoto #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Some thoughts on shaving with a limited palette
Recently I've been enduring a major bathroom renovation. As in tearing the bathrooms down to studs and redoing everything - pipes, wiring, walls, the works. Which was needed - the old waste water pipes were cast iron and almost rusted out - but still left me shaving out of the GoBag for several weeks.
#mastodonwetshavers #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Shave of the day 2nd June 2023
Razor: Gillette Old Type
Blade: Astra Green
Brush: Vie-Long #12705B
Pre-Shave: O Way Softening Shaving Cream
Lather: Pereira Shavery Baron's Choice
Aftershave: Epsilon for Men Scottish Spirit
Additional Care: Alum Block
A quick Friday shave :)
#12705b #sotd #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Wallace’s Overly Fancy Brush and Brush Warmer.
In 1887, Mr Arthur Henry Wallace of Houghton, Michigan came up with what he described as a new and useful improvement in shaving apparatus. And by shaving apparatus, Wallace clearly meant a doodad to hold and heat a brush.
Wallace's doohickey was compact enough to be carried in a pocket or stowed
#history #patents #vintage #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Shave of the day 31st May 2023
Razor: Gillette Old Type
Blade: Astra Green
Brush: Vie-Long #12705B
Pre-Shave: O Way Softening Shaving Cream
Lather: Asylum Shave Works Frankincense & Myrrh
Aftershave: Asylum Shave Works Frankincense & Myrrh
Additional Care: Alum Block
SOTD 2023 05 31
Another enjoyable shave. Life is grand, y'all
#MastodonWetShavers #SOTD #SOTDphoto #VintageRazor #Wetshaving
#12705b #mastodonwetshavers #sotd #sotdphoto #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Spring loaded hoe razor
At about the same time as the original Gillette safety razors were offered for sale, Henrie Clauss filed a patent for a spring loaded hoe razor. It was a reasonable straight forward razor, using a single edged Christy-style blade. So let us have a look at what made it stand out from the crowd.
Like so many razor patents, the patent text describes the
#history #patents #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Shave of the noon 26th May 2023
Razor: Gillette Old ca. 1921
Blade: Astra Green
Brush: Vie-Long #13051M
Pre-Shave: O Way Softening Shaving Cream
Lather: Pereira Shavery Orange Blossom w/ activated charcoal
Aftershave: Krampert's Finest Bay Rum
Additional Care: Alum Block
SOTD 2023 05 27
First shave in redone bathroom!
#MastodonWetShavers #SOTD #SOTDphoto #VintageRazor #Wetshaving
#13051m #mastodonwetshavers #sotd #sotdphoto #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Memorial weekend free e-book offer
Memorial day is upon us, and while I'm not in the US I do realise that a lot of my readers are.. and Memorial day is both the start of summer and a log weekend. So to help y'all pass the time in the sun, I'm offering free copies of my second book.
From May 26th and until May 30th you can go to A
#History #MastodonWetShavers #Patents #Vintage #VintageRazor #Wetshaving #Book
#history #mastodonwetshavers #patents #vintage #vintagerazor #wetshaving #book
Shave of the evening 24th May 2023
Razor: Gillette Old Type "Khaki"
Blade: Treet Platinum
Brush: Omega #50014 Travel
Pre-Shave: Proraso Pre Shave Cream
Lather: BEA Shavestick
Aftershave: Krampert's Finest Bay Rum
Additional Care: Alum Travel Stick & Oak SOS Beard Oil
SOTD 2023 05 24
Still shaving from the GoBag, but the end is in sight!
#sotd #sotdphoto #vintagerazor #wetshaving
New improved Gillette Advertisement
When the New improved Gillette was introduced, Gillette needed a new improved advertisement too. After all, the ads for the Old Type was, well, old.
A new improved Gillette advertisement
While my source for this advertisement don't give date, there are a few points that can give us a lower and upper es
#History #Patents #Vintage #VintageRazor #Wetshaving #Gillette
#history #patents #vintage #vintagerazor #wetshaving #gillette
Gillette Contour advertisment from 1982
Old razor ads can be worth looking into. New ones can be... odd. And ones from back when I grew up can be pretty bland. Recently I found a Gillette Contour ad from when I was still in elementary school. Back then shaving was, for me at least, something grownups did before I even got out of bed.
#History #MastodonWetShavers #Vintage #VintageRazor #Wetshaving
#history #mastodonwetshavers #vintage #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Beau Brummell
Beau Brummell was, according to Gillette, the greatest dandy of all time. I'm not sure if that is a good thing or not. A dandy is, after all, a man unduly concerned with looking stylish and fashionable. So that would mean that Beau Brummell was the most foppish1 man ever - and while I enjoy a good shave, I wouldn't say I'm unduly concerned about my looks.
Gillette's 191
#history #vintage #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Shave of the day 3rd May 2023
Razor: Gillette Old Type "Khaki"
Blade: Astra Green
Brush: Omega #50014 Travel
Pre-Shave: Proraso Pre Shave Cream
Lather: GzD Shavestick
Aftershave: Krampert's Finest Bay Rum
Additional Care: Alum Travel Stick & Oak SOS Beard Oil
SOTD 2023 05 03
I can almost see just using one razor for life, as lon
#MastodonWetShavers #SOTD #SOTDphoto #VintageRazor #Wetshaving
#mastodonwetshavers #sotd #sotdphoto #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Electrically heated safety razor
As I briefly mentioned in a post a couple of years ago, the idea of a heated razor is old. As old as the idea of self-lubricating razors and self feeding brushes. And a heated safety razor makes about as much sense to me. It may make more sense if you're bathroom is frigid and you don't have endless hot water straight from the tap. And
#history #patents #vintagerazor #wetshaving
Shave of the night 1st May 2023
Razor: Gillette Old Type "Khaki"
Blade: Astra Green
Brush: Omega #50014 Travel
Pre-Shave: Proraso Pre Shave Cream
Lather: BEA Shavestick
Aftershave: Krampert's Finest Bay Rum
Additional Care: Alum Travel Stick & Oak SOS Beard Oil
A late night shave at work, shaving from the GoBag.
#mastodonwetshavers #sotd #vintagerazor #wetshaving