📬 Musikindustrie: Umsätze sprengen 2-Milliarden-Euro-Marke
#Streaming #Studie #AudioStreaming #BundesverbandMusikindustrieBVMI #CD #Downloads #DrFlorianDrücke #Musikmarkt #VinylLP https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/studie/musikindustrie-umsaetze-sprengen-2-milliarden-euro-marke-266215.html
#vinyllp #musikmarkt #drfloriandrucke #downloads #cd #bundesverbandmusikindustriebvmi #audiostreaming #studie #streaming
Hoping #Santa brings me a proper #vinylLP washing device now that I’m an #analogRecording junkie (again). #leoKottke #turntable #HiFi
#santa #vinyllp #analogrecording #leokottke #turntable #hifi
Hoping #Santa brings me a proper #vinylLP washing device now that I’m an #analogRecording junkie (again). #leoKottke #turntable #HiFi
#santa #vinyllp #analogrecording #leokottke #turntable #hifi
Think they could have come up with a better cover than this. #vinyl #LP #LPs #vinyllp #vinyllps #records #recordcollectors #recordcollecting #hendrix #jimihendrix #psych #60s #guitar
#guitar #60s #psych #jimihendrix #hendrix #recordcollecting #recordcollectors #records #vinyllps #vinyllp #lps #lp #vinyl
Think they could have come up with a better cover than this. #vinyl #LP #LPs #vinyllp #vinyllps #records #recordcollectors #recordcollecting #hendrix #jimihendrix #psych #60s #guitar
#guitar #60s #psych #jimihendrix #hendrix #recordcollecting #recordcollectors #records #vinyllps #vinyllp #lps #lp #vinyl