My most popular post (toot) here ever was a vinyl highway #sign that had gone wonky (pinned post). Since seeing that one, I've started noticing them all over the place, each one wonkier than the last. But this one may be the most remarkable – not only are the letters curling off, the entire green base of the sign has split and crackled in a way that looks like intricate line art.
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#sign #signs #signage #vinylsigns #roadsigns #typography #type #fonts #typefaces
For people who loved yesterday's wonky #VinylSign, here's another great bit of curled vinyl, where the reason for the curling #sign was probably the heat of the now-absent neon – ironically, at the now-gone Troy Neon Sign Company. Gotta say, Cooper Black is a choice for outlining neon.
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#vinylsign #sign #signs #signage #vinylsigns #fadedsigns #fadedsignage #type #typography #neon #neonsign #neonsigns #troy #troyny #collarcity #urbandecay #fonts #typefaces
A local vinyl sign has gone wonky in the heat of the last several summers and accidentally created the greatest #typeface of all time.
(If you're a fan of signs, follow my Instagram account:
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#typeface #sign #signs #signage #vinylsigns #roadsigns #typography #type #fonts #typefaces