@threetails @douglasvb @GreenFire @fuchsiii
So yeah, the amount of #MotorizedViolence is rising due to #AssholeDriving and #ViolenceCulture that normalizes that shit!
#violenceculture #assholedriving #motorizedViolence
Also with the Machine Gun Registry closed for longer than I live, there are no new "Assault Weapons" and the few select-fire guns are already so expensive for decades, I've yet to see a single case of a school shooter even obtaining one.
#ViolenceCulture and #Mainstream #MassMedia rewarding #StochasticTerrorism with #Airtime, thus creating #PropagandaOfTheDeed that inspires copycats are the problem...
#propagandaofthedeed #airtime #stochasticterrorism #massmedia #mainstream #violenceculture
#ViolenceCulture and the lack of accessible and affordable mental healthcare are the root problem.
Advanced Suicides are just the symptom!
Copaganda won't help anyone...
@popcornreel if the problem were guns and not people and their lust for #ViolenceCulture and rewarding #StochasticTerrorism...
#stochasticterrorism #violenceculture
@dangillmor OFC not.
#Mainstream #MassMedia in the #USA is irredeemable garbage to the point that it's just filler in between commercials.
That's why they love #ViolenceCulture and #StochasticTerrorrism !
#stochasticterrorrism #violenceculture #USA #massmedia #mainstream
@lizziewriter that's because they are #Chistofacists that love #ViolenceCulture and #StochasticTerrorism.
Pretty shure they also go on KiwiFarms and fake the "awfully shocked community member" on TV when some creep follows their words up with actions...
#stochasticterrorism #violenceculture #chistofacists
@nuncio Personally, I think a lot of stuff is postfactual in terms of gun legislations, as they are inconsistent af despite the fact that the problem ain't guns but people.
The #USA just has a shitload of #ViolenceCulture and no #Privacy laws...
#Privacy #violenceculture #USA
@gcblasing It exists for a good reason:
Cops can't be trusted.
Also the problem ain't guns, but #ViolenceCulture that is being rewarded by #mainstream #MassMedia with airtime!
#massmedia #mainstream #violenceculture
@vfrmedia @chris @Crispius @ProPublica
the term "military-grade" is absolute horseshit.
After all, every System 98 gun is "military grade" since they were not only adopted as issue rifles and remain in services in many places, but it completely disregards that #ViolenceCulture in the #USA is not based off a few fash militias but is encouraged by the state that literally bans new #MachineGuns.
The only thing bans caused is a rise in black market supply, cuz guns ain't biodegradeable!
#machineguns #USA #violenceculture
@stux what is usually completely ignored is the #ViolenceCulture that has #Mainstream #MassMedia normalize #StochasticTerorrism and reward said perpertrators with #Screentime, honouring them with "Martyrdom" even outside of #Hategrooming forums like #KiwiFarms...
Because the problem is what people do to other people, not whether they chose a self-loading gun, an IED, chemistry, a knife or axe to hurt and kill.
#kiwifarms #hategrooming #screentime #stochasticterorrism #massmedia #mainstream #violenceculture
@gcblasing they just normalize #ViolenceCulture and #StochaticTerorrism:
#stochaticterorrism #violenceculture
@Aaron well no.
Non-sentient amalgamations of metal and plastics and/or wood aint the problem.
#ViolenceCulture is!
Thxbye but until you realize the inconvenient truth that #StochasticTerrorism amd #AdvancedSuicide|s as happening in the #USA isn't a matter of gun legislation nor amount of guns but how #Mainstream #MassMedia rewards it with #PropagandaOfTheDeed, stay out of my feed & mentions...
#propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainstream #USA #advancedsuicide #stochasticterrorism #violenceculture
@gcblasing also the problem ain't #guns but the #ViolenceCulture and #grooming of #StochasticTerrorists by rewarding them with #airtime in #mainstream #MassMedia through #PropagandaOfTheDeed...
That is a #fact, because obtaining guns isn't the factor that determines the number of #MassShootings per capita at all...
#massshootings #fact #propagandaofthedeed #massmedia #mainstream #airtime #stochasticterrorists #grooming #violenceculture #guns
@MartinStendel same.with #ViolenceCulture and the #Enshittification of #NSAbook & :birdsite: :twitter: ...
#NSAbook #enshittification #violenceculture
@MeidasRomi Again: The problem is the #Violenceculture that #reawards #StochasticTerorrism with #PropagandaOfTheDeed by #MassMedia...
But hating on an inanimate boject is far easier than looking at the facts, because there are nations with more and easier access to firearms yet less mass shootings per capita.
#massmedia #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterorrism #reawards #violenceculture
@MeidasRomi We both know that's bs when a single person with an axe has beaten that bodycount before.
the problem ain't guns, but what people do to others.
Not that they choose an AR-15, Glock 17, AKM, or a machete...
Acknowledge that the problem is #ViolenceCulture, not guns, because Germany doesn't have even remotely that many shootings per capita despite having the biggest black market per capita.
@MeidasRomi Then I'll gladly be part of the problem you imagine, because if #guns were the problem, we'd not #arrest & #jail shooters!
The problem ain't non-sentient mechanics out of polymers and metals, but the #ViolenceCulture that #rewards #StochasticTerrorism with #PropagandaOfTheDeed.
That's why this is an epidemic unique to the #USA and doesn't happen elsewhere even close that often per capita.
#USA #propagandaofthedeed #stochasticterrorism #rewards #violenceculture #jail #arrest #guns
@gcblasing what if I told you that #ViolenceCulture, #PropagandaOfTheDeed, #LackOfAccountability and #LackOfConsequences are the real issues and the two things you named are just some of many examples?
#lackofconsequences #lackofaccountability #propagandaofthedeed #violenceculture
@tommyyum It's likely to fail and getting canceled by #SCOUTS...
Also it doesn't adress the fact that it's #ViolenceCulture and #MainstreamMedia doing #PropagandaOfTheDeed that are the problem.
Otherwise nations with even more relaxed legislations and/or bigger black markets would've far bigger numbers per capita.
#propagandaofthedeed #mainstreammedia #violenceculture #scouts