If you witness any act of sexual violence happening in your community, you must SPEAK out to help the survivor and punish the perpetrator. GBV is punishable by LAW! Don’t underestimate the power of your voice as a community! #Gender #communitiesofpractice #empoweredcommunities #youthvoice #youth #Kenyansociety #Kenyaneducation #women #togetherwecan #violenciasexual #violencevictim #genderviolence #Kenyanews #Kenyanelite #WorldVision
#Gender #communitiesofpractice #empoweredcommunities #youthvoice #youth #Kenyansociety #Kenyaneducation #women #togetherwecan #violenciasexual #violencevictim #genderviolence #Kenyanews #Kenyanelite #worldvision
That "wolf pack" case was an abomination. Before introducing sentencing reduction like this, #LawProfessionals dealing with #SexualViolence (esp. #prosecutors) should work with #Psychology specialist versed with #ViolenceVictim reactions e.g., #Freeze reaction. This is real.
#freeze #violencevictim #psychology #prosecutors #sexualviolence #lawprofessionals