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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
Cultural threats can lead to #violentextremism @uni_copenhagen @PNASNews
RT @EU_FPI: Rabat 🇲🇦#Morocco: Jointly with the @UN, we held a workshop on Good Practices in Monitoring & Evaluation for counter terrorism & prevention of #violentextremism . 50+ experts from @UN 🇪🇺 @theGCTF -inspired institutions #CSOs & Member States developed a compendium of good practices
#morocco #violentextremism #CSOs
I am trying to send this message to the White House. I say "trying" because I don't seem to have enough internet to tell Recaptcha that I am not a computer.
"Two years after the major terrorist event on January 6, 2021, only a handful of the insurrectionist rioters are behind bars. None of them will serve more than a decade behind bars. The violent white supremacist gangs that aided their self-radicalisation and gave them training are still active and have been terrorising BIPOC and LGBTQ People. The wealthy donors to extremist movements are still active and continue to boost both activities and messaging that endanger our democracy, even as our slide towards fascism turns into a steep, careening water slide.
"Merrick Garland is not the man for this job. He has proven in the past that he is talented at delivering pressers. Otherwise, his incompetence and refusal to take meaningful action against racially motivated terrorists in the States has allowed dangerous violent extremist groups to thrive.
"Please reconsider your choice for Attorney General. We need a person of action, not a presser specialist."
#terrorism #whitesupremacy #violentextremism #militias #January6 #MerrickGarland #fascism #stateofdemocracy
📢Results out now!
Watch and share the brand-new animated clip on our EU-funded #PaveProject! Together, we examined the root causes of #ViolentExtremism to strengthen community resilience in the #Balkans and #MENA region.
#mena #balkans #violentextremism #paveproject
#trump #stateofdemocracy #violentextremism
I thought that this was Haaretz. However, since the article is about an important story, I am posting anyway.
#antisemitism #hate #michigan #mipol #violentextremism #whitepeople #terrorism #COVID19 #vaccine #conspiracytheories
"'the defendant does not believe he is subject to the jurisdiction of this court,' Assistant U.S. Attorney Hank Moon told a judge."
#antisemitism #hate #michigan #mipol #violentextremism #whitepeople #terrorism #COVID19 #vaccine #conspiracytheories #sovereigncitizensmovement
Currently livid and experiencing much psychosomatic pain, so posting this without comment.
"The suspect claimed last month that he was 'fired' from the University of Michigan 'after going through all the appeal processes for refusing to take experimental medication.'"
#antisemitism #hate #michigan #mipol #violentextremism #whitepeople #terrorism #COVID19 #vaccine #conspiracytheories
The Mali junta's rule has been characterized above all by two dramatic trend lines: an increase in violence and a decrease in security partners, despite the willingness of other partners to help. (The purported partnership with Wagner has only made security worse, not better.)
#mali #russia #violentextremism #wagner #sahel #africa
Hashtags for the above posts.
#fascism #stateofdemocracy #italy #genderequality #academia #lawandorder #journalism #violentextremism #policebrutality #bigotry #xenophobia #antisemitism
The military juntas in Mali and Burkina Faso continue to assert success against the militant Islamist groups. But this is false: Fatalities in the Sahel involving militant Islamist groups rose 63% under their watch last year, and their territories saw fully 90% of all militant Islamist attacks in the Sahel last year.
#Africa #Mali #BurkinaFaso #violentextremism #governance #coup #Sahel
#africa #mali #burkinafaso #violentextremism #governance #coup #sahel
RT @MyUNDP: Mental health & psychosocial support are critical for Prevention of #ViolentExtremism (#PVE), but often overlooked.
Today, on International PVE Day, #MyUNDP w support from @EU_FPI+@EUinMalaysia continues to keep efforts w local CSOs & partners to promote #peace & #tolerance🌎
#violentextremism #PVE #MyUNDP #peace #tolerance
A similar pattern is unfolding in #BurkinaFaso where the first of two military #coups occurred in January 2022. The country subsequently experienced a 69-percent increase in militant Islamist-linked fatalities over the course of the year, totaling 3,600 deaths.
#burkinafaso #coups #africa #cve #terrorism #governance #violentextremism
Our annual map of violence linked to militant Islamist groups in Africa is out!
Islamist violence in Africa surged by 22% over the past year (comprising 6,859 events). This represents a new record of extremist violence and reflects a near doubling in the number of such events since 2019.
#africa #cve #terrorism #violentextremism
#Election denier accused of paying and conspiring with 4 men to shoot at the homes of two state legislators and two county commissioners.
How #FalseAllegations & #ViolentExtremism are intertwined urgently needs more study. @fakenewsriskmitigator looks into this.
#election #falseallegations #violentextremism
"A dark money non-profit linked to power utility DTE Energy funded a group behind the effort to repeal the emergency order powers of Michigan’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, and end the state’s Covid-19 lockdowns and restrictions."
#dte #michigan #Mipol #unlockmichigan #militias #violentextremism #COVID19 #darkmoney #gretchenwhitmer
I would LOVE for an expert to analyze the creation of fan art based on mass #killers. Images like these create concerning questions: what drives these artists to create such pieces, and what role do they play in the #radicalization of young people toward committing #violent acts?
#pcve #violence #violentextremism #extremism #extremist #terror #terrorism #terrorist #terrorattacks #radicalized #youthradicalization #farright #hatecrime #hatecrimes #massmurder #massshootings #guns #firearms
#pcve #extremism #extremist #terrorism #terrorist #terrorattacks #radicalized #radicalization #farright #hatecrime #hatecrimes #massmurder #massshootings #violence #guns #firearms #violent #terror #Killers #violentextremism #youthradicalization
In a Republican-dominated House, nothing will happen.
"In its final report, the Jan. 6 committee mostly avoided conclusions about how social media companies responded to insurrection and the weeks of extremist rhetoric leading up to it. Committee members punted the issue to Congress and asked oversight committees to 'continue to evaluate policies of media companies that have had the effect of radicalizing their consumers.'"
Three people were killed in Friday's attack, which took place at a Kurdish cultural centre and a restaurant.
The 69-year-old white male suspect said afterwards he was a racist who hated foreigners, a police source told AFP.
#Paris #ParisProtests #Racism #ViolentExtremism #HateCrime #WhiteMaleSupremacy #WhiteNationalism #Terrorism #Kurds
#paris #parisprotests #racism #violentextremism #hatecrime #whitemalesupremacy #whitenationalism #terrorism #kurds
As we come to the start of the holidays I wanted to share the top 10 trends I have observed in my research on ideologically motivated violent extremist milieus and actors in 2022.
"Tempora Mutantur: 2022 a Year in Review"
#ViolentExtremism #Terrorism #CounterTerrorism #NationalSecurity #ConspiracyTheories #RightWing #FarRight
#FarRight #rightwing #conspiracytheories #nationalsecurity #counterterrorism #terrorism #violentextremism