Drippy day today. Hung out on the covered footbridge for a pleasant interlude and watched dozens of #VioletGreenSwallow aerobatically zooming the creek corridor. Close by was a nearly complete #Bushtit nest under construction amid brown clematis vines. Bushtit nests are kind of cryptic but stand out once you get the right search image for a bulbous gray sock shape dangling from low branches - always fun to find them! Will try to keep tabs on progress of this one.
#Birding #Oregon
#violetgreenswallow #bushtit #birding #oregon
Yesterday, so many precipitations! Intervals of rain, sleet, hail, mist - and balmy sunbreaks where I started to actually get hot. In the longest one I had time to walk down to the reservoir where dozens and dozens of #swallows suddenly appeared, swooping low and racing above the water, regrouping high up in a massed swirl like a stormcloud. Most Violet-green, a few Tree.
Got peppered by hail on the walk home.
#swallows #birding #violetgreenswallow #treeswallow #orwx
First #VioletGreenSwallow back in our neighborhood today!
#Birding #Oregon
#violetgreenswallow #birding #oregon
@loren Last April our back yard had three pairs maneuvering in extended six way hostilities over the nest boxes. Two locked in mid air and fell fighting to the deck at my feet. Pair of Western Bluebirds attempted nesting also but did not have much of a chance.
#VioletGreenSwallow #Birding