Die Geigerin Agata -Maria Raatz stellt auf ihrer spektakulären Solo-CD „Echos of Bach“ klar, dass sie im Heute lebt.
Stefan Pieper berichtet.
#violine #violinist #geige #geigerin #klassik #klassischemusik #classicalmusic #classical @classicalmusic @classicalmusicgroup
#violine #violinist #geige #geigerin #klassik #klassischemusik #classicalmusic #classical
Playing Mozart: for when you want something beautiful and light, but instead you end up with a composer laughing in your face for how obvious Every. Single. Tiny. Mistake. is, and you’re left a soulless wreck sobbing into your concerto score. #Violin
#Violinist #Mozart
The recording of Jascha Heifetz performing Camille Saint-Saëns's Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso is so, so lovely.
#JaschaHeifetz #CamilleSaintSaëns #SaintSaëns #violin #violinist
#jaschaheifetz #camillesaintsaens #saintsaens #violin #violinist
#NowPlaying Jascha Heifetz play Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E minor, from Mendelssohn & Bruch: Violin Concertos
#Mendelssohn #violin #violinist #JaschaHeifetz #classicalmusic #FiiO #HiRes
#nowplaying #mendelssohn #violin #violinist #jaschaheifetz #classicalmusic #fiio #hires
#NowListening to the #MariSamuelsen album, Mari.
#nowlistening #marisamuelsen #violin #violinist
This accomplished professional musician has suffered from neurological Lyme disease since age 12.
For decades, doctors told him his pain had no physical basis.
READ MORE https://www.lymedisease.org/music-is-his-raison-detrctione-lyme/ #lymedisease #violinist #composer #ehrlichia #rhapsody
#Lymedisease #violinist #composer #ehrlichia #rhapsody
María Dueñas's single released earlier this month, "Homage 1770," is truly exceptional. This is the #MaríaDueñas I knew she was before her debut album. Finally, she is allowed the be the brilliant #violinist that she really is.
#mariaduenas #violinist #violin #classicalmusic
Akiko Suwanai: #Mendelssohn & #Tchaikovsky: #Violin Concertos
w/ Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Vladimir Ashkenazy
#nowplaying #mendelssohn #tchaikovsky #violin #akikosuwanai #violinist
Exploring with solo #violinist Griga Cuciuc.
Sounds created on violin, two Korg #MS20 minis + #nordlead3 through various pedals and outboard FX.
Minor Key . Net Playlist 8/6/23
#SonnyRollins #ArtBlakey, #KennyDrew #MilesDavis #JackieMcLean #WalterBisho, #TommyPotter #AlinaIbragimova #CharlesMingus
#Jazz #Violin #Violinist #JazzMusic #Mendelssohn #Shostakovich #ClassicalMusic #RomanticComposer #composer #Cello #Cellist #Concerto #Playlist
#sonnyrollins #artblakey #kennydrew #milesdavis #jackiemclean #walterbisho #tommypotter #alinaibragimova #charlesmingus #jazz #violin #violinist #jazzmusic #mendelssohn #shostakovich #classicalmusic #romanticcomposer #composer #cello #cellist #concerto #playlist
#dagmarturner #violinist #brainsurgery #healthcare
Random redditor asks what to do: their #viola A string broke and they can’t get a replacement right away. Another redditor has the problem solved. #Violin #Violinist
Earlier today I was digging deep into my music files external drive and realized out of all my #JuliaFischer albums, three of them were the same album - each under a different title. Not sure how I managed to buy the same album three times. Curious *voodoo.
#violin #violinist #classicalmusic
#juliafischer #violin #violinist #classicalmusic
One of my favorite #AugustinHadelich albums. The I’ve been fortunate enough to see a few interviews with him. He really leaves an impression on you. Unarguably one of the finest violinists alive. #violin #violinist
#augustinhadelich #violin #violinist
A really wonderful interview with Hilary Hahn in which she discusses her relationship with, and marks the occasion of, 100 years of Ysaÿe's sonatas. It is no surprise that Hahn discusses #Bach to some extent in this interview. Of course, Hahn doesn't need to pitch her new album, and doesn't. The entire violin world is aware!
#HilaryHahn #ysaye #Ysaÿe #violin #violinist #classicalmusic #contemporarymusic #JSBach @classicalmusic @contemporarymusic
#bach #hilaryhahn #ysaye #violin #violinist #classicalmusic #contemporarymusic #jsbach
#NowPlaying 6/20 #Playlist: https://www.minorkey.net/minor-key-playlists/minor-key-net-playlist-6-20-23
#classicalmusic #contemporarymusic #StringQuartet #violin #violinist #playlists #NowListening #Haydn #Bruch #Bruckner #JohnHarbison #MaxRichter #Holst #SnorriHallgrímsson
#nowplaying #playlist #classicalmusic #contemporarymusic #stringquartet #violin #violinist #playlists #nowlistening #haydn #bruch #bruckner #johnharbison #maxrichter #holst #snorrihallgrimsson
Minor Key . Net Returns: Playlist 7/8/23
#ModernJazzQuartet #JohnColtrane #HilaryHahn #BostonSymphonyOrchestra #AndrisNelsons #EldbjørgHemsing #FrodeFjellheim #ArcticPhilharmonic
(with additional links)
#NowPlaying #Sibelius #Vieuxtemps #Shostakovich #JacobShea #jazz #jazzmusic #classicalmusic #playlist #playlists #NowListening #Symphony #violin #violinist #Quartet #music
#modernjazzquartet #johncoltrane #hilaryhahn #bostonsymphonyorchestra #andrisnelsons #eldbjorghemsing #frodefjellheim #arcticphilharmonic #nowplaying #sibelius #vieuxtemps #shostakovich #jacobshea #jazz #jazzmusic #classicalmusic #playlist #playlists #nowlistening #symphony #violin #violinist #quartet #music
Another seasonal song:
The Country People's Felicity: a #17thCentury #broadsideballad about #haymaking.
#laboursofthemonths #july #earlymusic #ballad #earlymodern @earlymodern @earlymusic
#histodon #histodons #ballad #song #violin #violinist #recorder #viol #lute #tenor #earlymusicensemble #countrydance
#17thcentury #broadsideballad #haymaking #laboursofthemonths #july #earlymusic #ballad #earlymodern #histodon #histodons #song #violin #violinist #recorder #viol #lute #tenor #earlymusicensemble #countrydance
So I have a group of students who have some intensive auditions coming up in a couple months. We’re working on their three-octave scales like beavers, sometimes spending 1/3 to 1/2 of their lessons on scales.
What this means is that I’m rapidly getting sick of listening to/teaching scales, so my students who *don’t* have imminent auditions are often getting off without having to play scales for me at all. This is neither sustainable nor wise. 😅 #Violin #ViolinLessons #Violinist
#violin #violinlessons #violinist
Some new noir pics x
#transgender #transgirl #transwoman #violin #violinist #goth
#goth #violinist #violin #transwoman #transgirl #transgender