Have a listen to Dj Click and Masha Natansons' celebration of Ukrainian music, 'Violins against bombs'......check it out here. djclick.bandcamp.com/track/rusalkas-transglobal-underground-rmx #ukraine #music #musicians #violins #stopwar
#Ukraine #music #musicians #violins #stopwar
de tweede van drie korte gedichten is Thunderstorm Symphony – een polyfonische transcriptie van de gedichten van Jimmy ThePeach✞ op muziek gezet door ferrie = differentieel Thunderstorm Symphony de tekst van het gedicht Thunderstorm We lie in the dark Counting […]
#Bassoon #CanterburySuitcase #Celli #DoubleBass #GrandPiano #JimmyThePeach #JöranMaaswinkel #ThunderstormSymphony #Violas #Violins
Luister: https://ferrie.audio/2019/12/thunderstorm-symphony/
#bassoon #canterburysuitcase #celli #doublebass #grandpiano #jimmythepeach #joranmaaswinkel #thunderstormsymphony #violas #violins
#violins made from (with) spiders’ silk: an interesting invention from 2017. #acoustics and #WeirdInstruments (from @classicfm 2017). https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/instruments/violin/features/spider-silk/
#violins #acoustics #weirdinstruments
The lovely detail in this mountain mahogany tailpiece! #violin #violins https://www.reddit.com/r/lingling40hrs/comments/10rbfyi/excited_to_show_you_all_this_tailpiece_we_carved/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
* Yuki vs Nagato -#TheMelancholyOfHaruhiSuzumia OST
(#神前 暁 )
"truly a violint track"
#currlisteningalcea #violins #themelancholyofharuhisuzumia #神前
A deeply riveting #sonic #treasure. Lay into its bed of immensely #haunting #violins, the #airy #vocals indulge in an #ethereal dance w/ #ambient #pop #melodies, an eerily beautiful #soundscape you haven't experienced before.
#sonic #treasure #haunting #violins #airy #vocals #ethereal #ambient #pop #melodies #soundscape #video
I think the piano is the most boring musical instrument. Think about it; it can't do vibrato like a woodwind or an exclusively stringed instrument and you can't slide from note to note; a piano can only play pure notes. Like I sometimes slide my finger from a C to a D while playing a violin but a piano can't do that. #violin #violins #music #piano
#violin #violins #music #piano
It's National #Violin Day, so here's a limerick to celebrate.
(I use #odd #holidays as #limerick & #haiku #prompts. Feel free to join me.)
A fellow who plays violin
Bears his neck pain with grace and a grin:
“Yes the problem is big,
But it comes with the gig;
I must take all my aches on the chin.”
#Music #Musician #Musicians #Violins #Violinist #Violinists #OddPrompt #OddHolidays #Holidays #Limericks #Poetry #SmallPoems #Poets #Prompt #WritingPrompt #Poem #AmWriting
#amwriting #poem #writingprompt #prompt #poets #smallpoems #poetry #limericks #oddholidays #oddprompt #violinists #violinist #violins #musicians #musician #music #prompts #haiku #limerick #holidays #odd #violin
Here's a song for your Friday evening.
#violins #Musicians #Music #MastodonMusic #FollowFriday
"What do all those violins do?"
New video from me about my electric violins #Violins #violin #musicgear
"What do all those violins do?"
New video from me about my electric violins #Violins #violin #musicgear