So not only the #Tories #covid19 #VIPlane was declared illegal for sheer #cronyism, have to dispose of £4billions worth of unusable PPE (That's more than double what the government won't spend on #juniordoctors), but now it turns out they won't fork the money of disposal and #flytip instead Speculations run high the dumper might be Steven Parkin, major Tory donor & VIP lane beneficiary through Clippers Venture, located 28 miles from the dump site.
#tories #COVID19 #viplane #cronyism #juniordoctors #flytip
Upminster Company Makes Millions out of PPE Contracts though VIP lane 👀👀👀 #ppe #viplanes #viplane
"The £25.8m contract for Luxe Lifestyle to supply masks and gowns did not appear on the government’s list of 47 firms on the VIP lane, which it was ordered to reveal in 2021. Instead, it was listed as a 'new buy' contract, meaning it did not sit on existing frameworks to supply PPE. However, both the Cabinet Office report and the leaked government documents suggest it was a VIP lane contract. The government had no explanation for the discrepancy"
The corruption just never stops
Politically connected broker made £17m profit on ‘VIP’ PPE contracts
#GoodLawProject #PPE #VIPLane
"What is slowly emerging – and there is more to come – is that we haven’t been told the truth about the #VIPlane. There was a whole cottage industry of Tory hangers on making referrals into the VIP lane for commission – and none of them have been named." #PPE #corruption
They would have more success in finding criminals if they just raided 650MP's homes #VIPlane #corruption
So …
Can any of the #ToryPeers or #ToryMPs on here refer me to the #VIPLane [™️©️®️] for my new #PPE scheme?
We’re proposing to pulp all the remaindered copies of #MattHancock ‘s failed book and turn them into masks or gloves or something …
#ToryPeers #ToryMPs #viplane #ppe #matthancock
The names of those who referred Covid testing firms into the “VIP” lane - @goodlawproject
Introductions from just six Conservative Party politicians led to ‘VIPs’ being awarded contracts worth an eye-watering £5 billion.
Sharing @goodlawproject' toot as a link if it works as the original didn't have hashtags to increase visibility 🤞🏼
Seamus Jennings on Rishi Sunak’s VIP lane
#ToryCorruption #viplane #ppescams #ToryGreed
Billions of pounds #embezzled, all of it in plain sight, like the white-collar criminals they are!
#viplane #toryfraud #crime #fraud #covid #CovidFraud #embezzled
A Message from the government …
1. Seasons’ Greetings
2. Let’s move along now shall we
3. Nothing to 👀 here
4. We [🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻] don’t need to bother your head about
💀how many people get #Covid
💀how many get #LongCovid
💀#PPE #VIPLane
💀what we’ve really done to the #NHS
#covid #LongCovid #ppe #viplane #nhs
Get-rich scheme for fast-track cronies
Two cases reveal the tip of the iceberg for the government-linked get-rich scheme – Ramfoam and Michelle Mone
#PPEScandal #PPEMedpro #VIPLane #michellemone #Ramfoam #Bylines
Via @YorksBylines
#ppescandal #ppemedpro #viplane #michellemone #ramfoam #bylines
This is #ToryCorruption
Introductions from just six Conservative Party politicians led to ‘VIPs’ being awarded contracts worth an eye-watering £5 billion. via
#ppescandal #viplane #ToryCorruption
This is #ToryCorruption
Introductions from just six Conservative Party politicians led to ‘VIPs’ being awarded contracts worth an eye-watering £5 billion. via
#ppescandal #viplane #ToryCorruption
“We do not comment on matters that are the subject of ongoing legal proceedings” says the Department of Health’s spokesperson, on the news that they’re suing PPE Medpro for breach of contract
How convenient - should keep things quiet until after a General Election
#viplane #baronessmone #ppemedpro #ukpolitics #ppemedpro “won contracts through the government's so-called #viplane in 2020 after being recommended by #Conservative peer Baroness #Mone.
The govt is attempting to get its #money #back on one of the deals, for the supply of medical gowns during the pandemic, in the High Court.
PPE Medpro said it would "rigorously" defend the claim.
The company accused the govt of a "cynical attempt" to recover money from suppliers who had acted in good faith+to contract specifications.”
#ppemedpro #viplane #Conservative #Mone #money #back
Whilst Baroness Mone was frantically (allegedly) setting up a 'new' PPE company to profit from the #VIPLane, bona fide PPE suppliers were desperate to supply
A rare piece of journalism for my local reach rag on #VIPLane
Quite staggeringly the VIP lane is still open and they are still lining their own pockets with taxpayers money. Now over £1bn and rising by £1m a day, yet they tell us there is not enough money to pay nurses a fair wage.
#NHSPay #NHSstrike #nursestrike #Strike #VIPLane #MichelleMone
#nhspay #nhsstrike #nursestrike #strike #viplane #michellemone