Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
389 followers · 1748 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@EricCarroll @TACTNowinfo
miss many voices that aren’t here.. still use
:twitterfire: :deadbirb: as a morning🗞️ 📰but refuse to post links to it.. which is why i take screenshots, collage them in PSExpress app & post here

It’s pretty wild has surfaced in only a week

Even don’t know about the time for & had i not had countless near misses, wouldn’t believe it myself

mere secs is truly actually here which is why this makes me🤬😡😠

#xbb116 #covidaware #viraldose #michaelmina

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
389 followers · 1727 posts · Server zeroes.ca


No protects very well from but if you +

IMHO you’ll have a fighting chance since it’s a free for all

An N95/99 respirator alone, unless it’s an elastomeric or + in tandem, IS NOT ENOUGH for a that can be caught🚫😷in<30 seconds

Unless you signed up for the plan… that’s how long it takes

#saponins #Science #vaccine #xbb116 #wearadamnrespirator #HEPA #NasalSpray #novavax #covidzombieapocalypse #microclimateair2 #KF94 #variant #alwaysinfected #viraldose

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
382 followers · 1692 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Also, if he thinks we are in a better place now in the than we were before…

well then i have a bridge to sell you!

isn’t the primary issue & also w/ prior it took 10-15 minutes instead of.. 10-15 seconds

is weakening & destroying organs & has mutated in 3 yrs MORE than in 15 years

I HAVE ZERO SCIENCE yet can fully understand this but is like “how did this happen to me?”🤦🏻‍♀️

#Pandemic #acuteinfection #variants #viraldose #inhalation #reinfection #immunesystem #tcells #covid #influenza #osterholm

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
369 followers · 1574 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Have SF people always been so flakey? Was i that flakey? Probs
15 yrs has def changed me..along w/ insane experiences

NUANCE? I’ll give you nuance 🤬🤬
Mask mandates give cover to people who don’t want to stick out

Masks are a source control even if worn improperly they limit lingering in the air

Instead of this BS a on proper😷-ing should be shown

It no longer takes 10-15 minutes to reach appropriate inhalation

more like 10 seconds+\-

#nyc #sarscov2 #psa #viraldose

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
362 followers · 1476 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@mel1 @TACTNowinfo These arguments infuriate me
b/c there is a touch of truth in them, but it’s used in bad faith

Yes I absolutely believe in strengthening your immune system & to a certain degree you can indeed fight off a from infecting you assuming the is low enough

But these motherf£%ers are claiming exposing yourself to a pathogen on the regular should be welcomed, which is a complete BS

#vaccines #vitamins #etc #sarscov2 #viraldose #bsl3 #ExcuseMyFrench

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
354 followers · 1448 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@ZeroCovidColin @trendless
@yaneerbaryam & @masknerd explained it to me (Spaces recording is gone unfortunately) & i noticed in July 2022 there was a dramatic change in how long i could personally be in saturated air before exhibiting exposure symptoms. I was lucky enough to have not inhaled enough but have been even more careful since

What I will definitely agree is if we ALL wore the damn mask, we would be MUCH safer

It’s a🚰🦠🦠 otherwise

#covid #viraldose

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
346 followers · 1422 posts · Server zeroes.ca

This study is interesting b/c it points out that the tiniest gap in your can cause it to lose up to 60% efficacy, virtually making it useless in 2023 when is extremely transmissible

We used to get 10-15 min approx of🚫😷but now transmits in far less than 60 sec…10-20 secs? but it’s short

This means even properly sealed less effective too b/c captures at max 97%
That 3% allows some🦠in🤷🏻‍♀️
My estimate is you get about 1.2 hrs in highly⬇️

#n95 #sarscov2 #viraldose #idk

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
312 followers · 1221 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@Njord @tomchappell
My friend! Best term introduction ever:)

Think what’s important to note here is the amount of time it takes to get infected has gone from Wild strain approx 10-15 minutes to now far far less than 1 minute

observation of acquaintances it appears there is some sort of very temporary but my belief is they’ve constant infections until very mutated makes them visibly ill again

this is no way to live💔

#napkinmath #viraldose #immunity #variant

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
295 followers · 1097 posts · Server zeroes.ca

@cakeisnotalie @kims @clacksee
That article infuriated me b/c starts w/a lie, has truth in middle & ends w/BIGGEST OUTRIGHT LIE
I don’t think an infection is inevitable per se, despite extreme contagiousness, but tbd myself as my SO badly needed a vacation so…
However I would tell them initial has always been & is still key & dentist has less risks compared to dinner; more interactions more⏱️

They are protecting their future by doing right thing


Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
283 followers · 997 posts · Server zeroes.ca


Tbh I’m not sure I’d be able to convince 90% of the population that is already checked out & in complete denial..

I just post for those people who are still trying & wondering if they should just give up🖤

#virus #fungi #bacteria #tcells #lymphocytes #Bcells #cancer #hiv #xbb15 #dontgiveup #DontInhaleTheVirus #viraldose #HEPA #keepmasking #covidpapers #LongCOVID

Last updated 2 years ago

Lorraine · @Lorrrraaaaine
223 followers · 714 posts · Server zeroes.ca

Actually I make my own 6-layered washable/iron one that I abhor to make b/c it takes 4 hrs & concentrated focus. A master tailor can make a lined pocket jacket from fabric roll in 8 hrs to put in perspective

Problem w/masks,unless you’re wearing P100/N99 is that some virus gets in on 95’s even though it gets 97%~

1-way masking when R0 is as high as measles means less time before you inhale enough
It’s no longer 2021 & most people are zero aware; HEPA buys⏱️

#viraldose #omicron

Last updated 2 years ago