#IDMastodon #MolecularMedicine #Viralimmunology Excellent illustration from @virusesimmunity @SheaJAndrews
by @GitaPathakPhD on the genetic susceptibility to acute severe #COVID19 & #SARSCoV2 infection. At One Glance you learn the critical genes involved in The candidate genes are implicated in 3 key pathways: viral entry, mucosal airway defense, & type I interferon signaling..
#IDMastodon #molecularmedicine #viralimmunology #COVID19 #SarsCoV2
#IDMastodon #ViralImmunology #Immunology The HLA advantage: Why #COVID19 benched you but not your co-worker ? @sciimmunology
📌 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10396966/
📌 https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230725/Unlocking-the-secrets-of-asymptomatic-COVID-19-infections-HLA-B1501-connection-revealed.aspx
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #immunology #COVID19
#IDMastodon #Viralimmunology @Nature
ReCap & Please just take a look at the collection of studies cited identifying possible reservoirs for this virus, #SARSCoV2, its RNA or even its proteins…🥵🥶😱
if this doesn't open your eyes, what will ??? #Maskup😷#COVIDisNotOver
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #SarsCoV2 #MaskUp #CovidIsNotOver
#IDMastodon #molecularbiology #Viralimmunology Understanding the role of ORF8 is therefore critical in elucidating the mechanisms of #COVID19 . To efficiently infect, #SarsCoV2 uses a diverse set of strategies to evade #hostimmunity, accounting for its high pathogenicity and rapid spread throughout the #COVID19pandemic.
#IDMastodon #molecularbiology #viralimmunology #COVID19 #SarsCoV2 #hostimmunity #COVID19pandemic
#IDMastodon #CellImmunity #Viralimmunology #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp 😷 Host #mitochondria more than an organelle in #SARSCoV2 infection . when 🦠hijacks mitochondrial function, this allows it to control the entire cell.Emerging evidence suggested that #SARSCoV2 hijacks the mitochondria of immune cells, proliferate in mitochondrial structures & impairs mitochondrial functions . The interaction of several #SARSCoV2 proteins with mitochondrial components components may occur.
#IDMastodon #cellimmunity #viralimmunology #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp #mitochondria #SarsCoV2
#IDMastodon #Publichealth #Viralimmunology high levels of exposure to #SARSCoV2 may reduce protection from #COVID19 vaccines and prior infection of 🦠The #Clinicalstudy suggests that in crowded environments, that methods to reduce exposure such as masking😷 and social distancing, may help prevent new infections among people who have been vaccinated or have contracted the disease in the past.
#IDMastodon #publichealth #viralimmunology #SarsCoV2 #COVID19 #Clinicalstudy
#IDMastodon #immunology #viralimmunology Differences in #immuneresponses in males and females can sometimes favour one or the other sex. A sex bias in #trainedimmunity where F displayed decreased inflammatory responsiveness & survival from opportunistic infection compared vs M .#COVID19 pandemic reported immune hyper-responsiveness in M with increased morbidity & severity. In contrast,it has been proposed that females may suffer greater morbidity and severity from many other infectious agents.
#IDMastodon #immunology #viralimmunology #immuneresponses #trainedimmunity #COVID19
#Viralimmunology #pedsICU The findings underscore the potential of inflammatory cytokine signaling, like IL-6, during acute viral infections to induce enduring epigenetic changes in HSPC and progeny innate immune cells ,potentially influencing various post-infection phenomena in humans, including tissue repair, protection against other infections, chronic inflammation, & long-term sequelae in #Postcovid , #LongCovid & #LongCovidKid
#viralimmunology #PedsICU #PostCovid #LongCovid #LongCovidKid
#IDMastodon @Nature #Viralimmunology #covid19vaccinationinpregnancy #SarsCoV2 Vacc & boosting, esp in the setting of previous infection, leads to significant increases in antibody levels and neutralizing activity even against the recent omicron BA.1 & BA.5 variants in both pregnant patients and their #neonates.
#SARSCoV2 vaccination, booster, & infection in pregnant population enhances passive immunity in neonates
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #covid19vaccinationinpregnancy #SarsCoV2 #neonates
#IDMastodon #ViralImmunology #Clinicaltrial The prevalence of organ impairment in #longCOVID patients at 6 & 12 months after initial symptoms and links to clinical presentation. Organ impairment persisted in 59% of 331 individuals out of 536 individuals, followed up at 1 year #postCOVID19 with implications for symptoms, quality of life and longer-term health, signalling the need for prevention and integrated care of LC.
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #clinicaltrial #LongCovid #postCOVID19
#IDMastodon #Viralimmunology. @cidrap #LongCovid and the unfuture foreseen Chronic immune dysregulation . 27 metabolites remained dysregulated even after two years. #PostCOVID patients displayed a heterogeneous metabolic profile. Lactic acid, lactate/pyruvate ratio, ornithine/citrulline ratio, and arginine were identified as the most relevant metabolites for distinguishing patients with more complicated #LongCovid evolution.
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #LongCovid #PostCovid
#Viralimmunology #LongCovidKid understanding the Immune responses to #SARSCoV2 infection & vaccination in children
#PostCovid in adults associated with #viralpersistence in 🩸& MIS-C in children is associated with viral persistence in the intestine which is suggesting that tissue specific differences or age-associated differences in immune responses to persistent #SARSCoV2 🦠may explain these different presentations.
#viralimmunology #LongCovidKid #SarsCoV2 #PostCovid #viralpersistence
#IDMastodon #ViralImmunology Mild #COVID19 patients without gastrointestinal symptoms of #LongCovid showed little difference in the gut & oral microbiota during hospitalization & at follow-up from healthy controls but patients with GIT symptoms associated with LC showed significant differences, anectopic colonization of the oral cavity by #gutmicrobes incl 27 common differentially abundant genera in the Proteobacteria phylum, was observed at the 3-month timepoint.
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #COVID19 #LongCovid #gutmicrobes
#IDMastodon #ViralImmunology #opthalmology #postCOVID19syndrome is a lingering disease with ongoing symptoms : fatigue & cognitive impairment resulting in a high impact on the daily life of patients. Understanding the pathophysiology of PCS is a #publichealth priority, as it still poses a diagnostic &treatment challenge for physicians. prolonged endothelial dysfunction is a hallmark of PCS,impairments of the microcirculation seem to explain ongoing symptoms in patients.
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #opthalmology #postcovid19syndrome #publichealth
#IDMastodon #publichealth #Viralimmunology Understanding why we have different responses & symptoms to #SARSCoV2 ( #COVID19) & #influenza 🦠. What these 2 diseases have in common is that they are triggered by a viral infection, which causes fever & pneumonia of varying degrees of severity in infected patients. #Autoantibodies against #interferons, or why certain 🦠affect us differently
#IDMastodon #publichealth #viralimmunology #SarsCoV2 #COVID19 #influenza #Autoantibodies #interferons
#Viralimmunology #Immunology Overview the mechanisms of #SARSCoV2 entry routes of infection in order to deactivate host’s Immunity .
📌 https://academic.oup.com/nar/advance-article/doi/10.1093/nar/gkad627/7232847?login=false
📌 https://academic.oup.com/nar/issue
#viralimmunology #immunology #SarsCoV2
#IDMastodon #Neurocovid #Neurobiology #viralimmunology #Neuroimmunology @cellpress #SARSCoV2 is associated with broad tissue tropism, a characteristic often determined by the availability of entry receptors on host cells. TMEM106B, a lysosomal transmembrane protein, can serve as an alternative receptor for 🦠entry into ACE2-negative cells .
#IDMastodon #neurocovid #neurobiology #viralimmunology #neuroimmunology #SarsCoV2
#IDMastodon #Viralimmunology #Drugdevelopment @asmicrobiology #Phase II #Clinicaltrial for evaluating the #antiviral activity, safety, efficacy, & #pharmacokinetics of #bemnifosbuvir in ambulatory patients with mild/moderate #COVID19 . Although the study ended early and did not meet the primary efficacy end point, bemnifosbuvir was well tolerated and did not contribute to all-cause mortality. vs placebo
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #DrugDevelopment #phase #clinicaltrial #Antiviral #pharmacokinetics #bemnifosbuvir #COVID19
#IDMastodon #Viralimmunology #NeuroCovid @thelancet Cognitive deficits following #SARSCoV2 infection were detectable nearly 2 years post infection, and largest for individuals with longer symptom durations, ongoing symptoms, and/or more severe infection. However, no such deficits were detected in individuals who reported full recovery from #COVID19.
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #neurocovid #SarsCoV2 #COVID19
#IDMastodon #Viralimmunology #publichealth Never to late to 😷up #CovidIsNotOver The mutation called HLA-B*15:01 was carried by about 20% of the people in the study and while it doesn’t prevent infection by #SARSCoV2 , it does prevent people from showing any symptoms @latrobe @ucsfmedicine @Nature
#IDMastodon #viralimmunology #publichealth #CovidIsNotOver #SarsCoV2