Walk in to the wine cellar of Celler Vall Llach and the first thing you notice is the aroma, a stunning infusion of deep tertiary notes that hit the olfactory receptors before being decoded: black garlic, old leather, dried mushrooms, sweet tobacco, beeswax, smoky tar, chestnut and acacia wood infused with aging wine. LluĂs Llach family barrels of Vi Ranci, which he inherited from his mother Maria, are a shrine to the past: the oldest barrel dates back to 1927, but there are also others from 1940, 1946, 1970, 1978, 1983 and 2003. A friend once described Vi Ranci as a journey back to his childhood in the 50's because it contained smells which no longer exist.
Two souvenirs from yesterday's walk at the Alt Camp: a #Vinyater (another almost extinct vine variety), and a Vi Ranci, both #ecologic and #biodynamic, made with indigenous yeast, using natural clarification and minimal intervention.
The #vinery is called Dasca Vives a little oasis of times gone by located next to the second largest refinery in Europe (sounds gruesome but the quality of the wines shows that it can be done).
Will crack open the Ranci this afternoon and share some notes.
#vinyater #ecologic #biodynamic #vinery #rawwine #naturalwine #catalonia #altcamp #viranci