"To understand why there was such a long downtime after Sir Richard Branson's flight on Virgin Galactic in 2021 and to learn how the company has reached a monthly flight cadence, I recently had a long interview with Mike Moses, the company's chief of operations and president. Moses came to Virgin Galactic in 2011 from NASA, where he worked as a flight director and then as a senior leader of the Space Shuttle program."
#virgingalactic #newspace #spce
Virgin Galactic’s president explains how VSS Unity is now flying frequently - Enlarge / In February 2019, Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo reached spac... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1963698 #virgingalactic #mikemoses #features #science #space
#space #science #features #mikemoses #virgingalactic
Rocket Report: Russian rocket lands like an airplane; SpaceX steamroller rolls - Enlarge / A Falcon 9 launch of 22 Starlink satellites on Wednesday, Aug... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1961496 #virgingalactic #rocketreport #science #falcon9 #spacex #space
#space #spacex #falcon9 #science #rocketreport #virgingalactic
"Virgin Galactic just flew again, but is the company going anywhere?" by @arstechnica / @sciguyspace - Spaceship & carrier plane upgraded to streamline maintenance/turnaround time between spaceflights. New spaceship coming. https://arstechnica.com/space/2023/08/virgin-galactic-just-flew-again-but-is-the-company-going-anywhere/ #NewSpace #VirginGalactic #VG02
#newspace #virgingalactic #vg02
A solid look at the future of Virgin Galactic (SPCE). As a native New Mexican, I want to see the company succeed and NM turn into a hub of space tourism, but I'm skeptical that their current approach will ever get to where folks will want to go: Orbit.
Hopefully they can use the tourism business to bootstrap themselves to more powerful approaches in the years ahead.
#newspace #virgingalactic #spce
Virgin Galactic just flew again, but is the company going anywhere? - Enlarge / Virgin Galactic's VSS Unity is seen at Spaceport America in f... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1960015 #virgingalactic #features #science #space
#space #science #features #virgingalactic
Spaceships rise to the skies,
Above Earth they have flown
To explore the stars,
Their journeys have just begun.
Stardust and dreams,
Inside our spacecraft's holds
A magical moment,
As we break away from Earth's folds.
#virgingalactic #spaceflight #astronauts #exploration #ode #poetry
#virgingalactic #spaceflight #astronauts #exploration #ode #poetry
Watched their flight earlier today. Glad to have FINALLY witnessed Virgin Galactic deliver on their space tourism mission.
Gizmodo: Virgin Galactic Finally Launches Its First Crew of Space Tourists https://gizmodo.com/virgin-galactic-launches-first-crew-space-tourists-1850725212 #commercialastronauts #frederickwsturckow #michaelcolglazier #anastatiamayers #virgingalactic #keishaschahaff #richardbranson #inspaceflight #spaceshiptwo #kellylatimer #spacetourism #jongoodwin #spaceplane #deltaclass #galactic02 #cjsturckow #spacecraft #galactic01 #bethmoses #vssunity #ana
#commercialastronauts #frederickwsturckow #michaelcolglazier #anastatiamayers #virgingalactic #keishaschahaff #richardbranson #inspaceflight #spaceshiptwo #kellylatimer #spacetourism #jongoodwin #spaceplane #deltaclass #galactic02 #cjsturckow #spacecraft #galactic01 #bethmoses #vssunity #ana
"Virgin Galactic launches first tourist flight to space" by @CNBC / @michaelsheetz - One customer finally gets suborbital space flight he bought in 2005. And first mother/daughter duo in space, from winning a contest. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/10/watch-livestream-virgin-galactic-launches-galactic-02-spaceflight.html #NewSpace #VirginGalactic #VG02
#newspace #virgingalactic #vg02
Press release from Virgin Galactic for today's Galactic 02 flight (includes statistics):
galactic · space · tourists · virgin
#news #space #virgingalactic
Virgin Galactic's Galactic 02 flight was apparently successfully.
Virgin Galactic: "Welcome back to Earth, #Galactic02! Our pilots, crew and spaceship have landed smoothly at Spaceport America, New Mexico."
Why am I watching new rich people in a tin can in another place where they may implode in front of my eyes while polluting our earth that is on the brink of disaster like these people are heroes?
For those interested in Virgin Galactic's Galactic 02 flight coming up shortly ...
Virgin Galactic webcast:
NASASpaceflight.com webcast:
Note: I'm not going to watch, so I will not be posting when they go live.
Pssst. Hey buddy...Yeah, you there.
I can sell you three minutes of weightlessness for only $450,000.00
Of course, it will take you two minutes to unbuckle, then rebuckle your seat belt.
Can you imagine the pollutants put into the atmosphere with each flight to "almost outer space".
Richard Branson is set to slingshot his first space tourists today.
I'm not impressed with the prospect.
#News #USA #virgingalactic
What is the carbon footprint of this one entertainment flight?
Virgin Galactic: Mum, daughter and Brit, 80, count down to space flight https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-66387543
It’s finally time—Virgin Galactic is flying private astronauts into space - Enlarge / Anastatia Mayers, Jon Goodwin, and Keisha Schahaff are the pr... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1959695 #virgingalactic #science #space
#space #science #virgingalactic
"Mother and daughter first to go to space together" by @BBC (@BBC_News_Labs expected to post news links soon) - Contest winners to be on #VirginGalactic #VG02 flight from New Mexico, currently scheduled Thu Aug 10 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-66405219 #NewSpace
#virgingalactic #vg02 #newspace