How we feel about the evolving future tells us who we are as individuals and as a civilization: Do we search for stasis-a regulated, engineered world? Or do we embrace dynamism-a world of constant creation, discovery, and competition?
A Reflection thoughts at 4.10 AM …
Great read. Learned a lot about fabric, the central role it plays in our lives, and how we got here. Virginia Postrel has done a really good job putting together a book that covers both the technical history of fabric and the social, cultural, and economic history as well
#History #Histodon #Books #Bookstodon #Fabric #TheFabricOfCivilization #VirginiaPostrel
#virginiapostrel #thefabricofcivilization #fabric #bookstodon #books #histodon #history
New Virtual Memories #email! This one's got a new #podcast w/ #DmitrySamarov, my #poem-emission, links by/re the dead, #BrianEno #CoryDoctorow #VirginiaPostrel #AdamKirsch #YukioAkamine & more, plus some art. Go read, share & subscribe:
#email #podcast #dmitrysamarov #poem #brianeno #corydoctorow #virginiapostrel #adamkirsch #yukioakamine