Tuesday morning at #JSM2023 and we have two talks about continuous #GravitatiionalWaves. Unfortunately they're in simultaneous sessions. So you have your pick between me talking in the topic contributed session "Pulling Signal out of Noise for Data-Driven Discoveries in Astronomy" or Alan Knee in the invited session "The True North Strong and ... Amazing at Astrostatistics!" #LIGO #Virgo #KAGRA #ContinuousWaves #astrostatistics #NeutronStars #JSM
#jsm #neutronstars #astrostatistics #continuouswaves #kagra #virgo #ligo #gravitatiionalwaves #jsm2023
Attending my first in person #JSM this week. It'll be speaking about searches for continuous gravitational waves Tuesday morning in the topic contributed session on "Pulling Signal out of Noise for Data-Driven Discoveries in Astronomy". #JSM2023 #GravitationalWaves #LIGO #Virgo #KAGRA
#kagra #virgo #ligo #gravitationalwaves #jsm2023 #jsm
Mercury opposing Saturn today, which means it will be easier to find the limits of our connections with other people. It will give us a bit more nervous, discordant energy & make us more prone to argue or fight, making us dogmatic. This is not a time of change, but a time of articulating the limits of our connections and our understandings of how we show up for one another. Of course, these conflicts might make us rethink our boundaries.
#mercury #saturn #astrology #astro #virgo #pisces
Read Virgo monthly horoscope for August 2023 to know your daily astrological predictions. Embrace the cosmic love and let it led the way!
#VirgoMonthlyHoroscope #August #Virgo
#virgomonthlyhoroscope #august #virgo
Amable #Virgo ♍, a veces te sientes confundido porque encontraste algo o alguien. Te recomiendo que no salgas de noche para que en tu vida personal consigas todo lo que te propusiste. Si pones más atención, esta semana iniciarás un nuevo proyecto que ni siquiera tenías en planes, hoy es el momento ideal para hacer ejercicios de relajación. Como tu aura, tu color de la suerte es blanco para recibir pronto dinero.
Gran afinidad con Virgo.
Rebelde #Virgo ♍, un pajarito me dijo que estás más o menos relevante porque alguien salió de tu vida sin avisar. Es buen momento para que no cometas errores del pasado para que en tu relación crezcas en plenitud. Si le dedicas tiempo, en este mes tendrás una visita que no esperabas y te hará sentir alegre, hoy es el momento ideal para involucrarte más con tu familia. Compra algo color rojo para que Cupido te fleche.
Si eres ascendente Cáncer, mídete en tus decisiones.
♍ Virgo (23 Aug to 22 Sep)
Take what you can from others, because they will surely take from you. Then burn everything and start over.
I wonder if anyone else has Jupiter in detriment in the 9th house & what their experience is. Mine is one of an unconventional path through higher education. I have always been very critical of religion, and higher education & that has influenced my path through the world very deeply.
#astro #astrology #jupiter #9thhouse #virgo
The Moon is in Virgo. Over the next 2 days, and especially now, take some time to check in with your daily routine. You might be feeling second-guessing and anxiety around that part of your life, along with your will and inspiration to assert yourself. Saturn is opposing both Mars and the Moon. The changes you make now will be long lasting.
#astrology #astro #mars #virgo #moon #saturn #pisces
🪷 Frustration rules this weekend when diligent #Virgo #Mars and moody #Pisces #Saturn are in a square aspect. Like driving with one foot on the brake and the other on the accelerator. But wait: there's more! #Antinous #MoonMagic #astrology forecast: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/07/astro-forecast-july-24th-2023.html 🪷
#virgo #mars #pisces #saturn #antinous #moonmagic #astrology
Generoso #Virgo ♍, a veces te sientes aburrido porque estás avanzando. Te sugiero que dejes de hacerte la víctima para que en el amor tengas todo en orden. Mañana te sentirás más cerca de tu familia, muévete y busca una oportunidad hoy para descargar Tinder y hacer un match. Acostumbrate a usar café para transmutar tu energía negativa.
Gran afinidad con Escorpio.
When people ask me my sign, I tell them truthfully, "The lady with the cat's butt in her face."
And people say #astrology is nonsense.
#virgo #Cats #CatsOfMastodon #Astrology
RT @htlifeandstyle: Daily #horoscope: Are the stars lined up in your favour? Find out the astrological prediction for #Aries, #Leo, #Virgo, and other #zodiacsigns for July 13, 2023.
https://www.hindustantimes.com/astrology/horoscope/horoscope-today-astrological-prediction-for-july-13-2023-101689174333943.html #press
#horoscope #aries #leo #virgo #zodiacsigns #press
🪷 Art: Statue of Antinous riding a lion in the lost tomb of Antinous by #AndrewPrior ... Today #Mercury leaves sulky #Cancer and struts into lively #Leo so that everyone is a drama queen. Strut your stuff now before Mercury sashays away into finicky #Virgo on 29 July. #Antinous #MoonMagic #astrology forecast: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/07/astro-forecast-july-6th-2023.html 🪷
#andrewprior #mercury #cancer #leo #virgo #antinous #moonmagic #astrology
🪷 #Mars exits drama-queen #Leo and enters conscientious #Virgo to stay until 28 Aug. Virgo Mars empowers you to act in a responsible and supportive way to help others and yourself. We'll need that when other planets engender strife next week! Forecast: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/07/astro-forecast-july-6th-2023.html 🪷
Aventurero #Virgo ♍, un pajarito me dijo que estás lleno de dudas porque las cosas fluyen y siguen su curso sin necesidad de ti. Debes asegurarte que dejes de compararte con las demás personas para que en el trabajo prosperes y tengas éxito. Pasado mañana encontrarás la pieza que faltaba en tu vida, hoy es el momento ideal para ir de compras. Tu color de la suerte es azul para ser un imán en el amor.
Tú y Tauro pueden emprender un proyecto.
Carismático #Virgo ♍, estás decaído porque estas en proceso de cambio. Tómate tu tiempo para que dejes de compararte con las demás personas para que en tu vida personal todo sea miel sobre huelas. Tarde o temprano tendrás una nueva solicitud de amistad, busca un espacio en tu agenda hoy para cortarte el cabello. Compra algo color naranja para atraer la abundancia.
Virgo y tú son compatibles.